Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Project 1

Project 1
permalink   Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 1:28 PM
Continued from here.

An attempt to streamline discussion from a previous thread. Please feel free to add anything.
permalink   Mon, Apr 9, 2007 @ 1:40 PM
Hey everyone, if you guys need some help designing the album cover, let me know… I would love to help out any way I can. You definately don’t want me making any music… so the only other skills I can offer up are graphical ;)
permalink   victor Mon, Apr 9, 2007 @ 1:46 PM
permalink   Tomas PhUsIoN Mon, Apr 9, 2007 @ 3:20 PM
Project 1
permalink   Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 1:32 PM
Please sign-up before April 16th.

People so far.

Narva9, G.Wills, Calendar Girl, 21pele, Tacet, KCentric, Ronan Tyrrell, Ashwan, CDK, J. Lang, Shockshadow, Plurgid, DJ Blue, OldDog, Hepepe, Etherdust, Tomas Phusion, _ghost, Dr. Concoction, Duckett, teru
permalink   ASHWAN Sat, Apr 7, 2007 @ 7:07 AM
Ronan Tyrrell is down with us…
i will have to set up an account in his name though, his wife would kick him out if she found out he was spending time with music again ;-)

i won’t be able to upload anything for him for the next 5 days or so tho. (won’t be near my machine)if that compromises time for whoever he gets paired with, i apologise.
Project 1
permalink   Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 1:36 PM
Proposed time-line. (edited)

Start - April 16th
Deadline - May 30th
Release - June
permalink   ASHWAN Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 1:55 PM
sounds fine to me. no time is ever perfect, that’s the nature of deadlines!
permalink   victor Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 2:34 PM
april 10 is too soon, I’m just coming off vacation, I’ll need some time work this into existing plans for collab features so we can do this “right” — keep throwing features out there, I’ll have some code you can look at and test, probably around the 16th and after the kinks are worked out we can turn it on for real.
permalink   plurgid Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 10:14 PM
Quote: fourstonesapril 10 is too soon.

Word. And 5/20 seems almost too short. Can we get like 6/1, maybe? I mean, with this many people involved, why rush it too much?

it’s been said, it ain’t a contest.
permalink   _ghost Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 1:25 PM
I agree, Personally I am rather “Mr. Slow” too;-) Project assumes that collaboration could be sometimes “bigger” than 2 original collaborators - so every additional collaborator affect duration of creative process. Probably, because of deadline, there will be uncomfortable situation for last person in our mixing chain (person who does for example final mix, or mastering)
permalink   Project 1 Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 1:35 PM
Question for _ghost and Plurgid.

Would 6 weeks as opposed to the current 4 weeks be more reasonable?
permalink   plurgid Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 5:16 PM
Quote: Project 1
Would 6 weeks as opposed to the current 4 weeks be more reasonable?

Yeah I think I could be down with 6 weeks.
permalink   _ghost Mon, Apr 9, 2007 @ 3:31 PM
Quote: Project 1Question for _ghost and Plurgrid.

Would 6 weeks as opposed to the current 4 weeks be more reasonable?

permalink   Tomas PhUsIoN Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 7:51 AM
im fine with the dates and ready to go,any date suits me.
Project 1
permalink   Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 1:43 PM

Seems the most logical way judging from the previous thread is:

Random pairing. Once pairs are picked. All bets are off. Invite who like, as many as you like, as long as the original two agree.

Pairs will be randomly drawn out of a hat (literally). If for any reason you would like to be paired with someone or not be paired with someone please send me an email.
permalink   tacet Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 4:49 PM
Forgive me for being thick :) I just don’t get why anyone would need to “contact” someone else?

Even after the pairings anyone should be able to contribute to any project, even those who are already paired, surely? (With suggestions, and samples, not remixes)

It’s not a competition, is it?
permalink   Project 1 Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 5:24 PM
Is the wording confusing?

Of course it’s not a competition. Where did that come from?
permalink   tacet Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 6:07 PM
lol, are you suggesting competition paranoia? omg! :) The wording kinda suggests (to me) we’re all going to pair off, then come back…done.

I have my “thick” disclaimer, just in case the time of day is fogging my brain. ;)
permalink   narva9 Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 8:47 PM
Hey everyone:
We’re really excited about this project and we’d like to help in anyway we can. So if anyone needs some help with:

1. Lyrics (just send us a “sketch” of your melody, a general topic or words that it must contain….we’d be more than happy to write on demand)

2. Lyrics with melody. Again let us know what feel you want and maybe BPM and we can figure something out.

3. Also have access to 4 different voices (2 male, 2 female) so let us know if you need anything sung.

Look foward to working with y’all :)

Project 1
permalink   Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 1:47 PM
Themes (edited)

So far the one idea floating around is - The Future - Utopia and Dystopia.
permalink   tacet Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 4:55 PM
Keeping all the tracks the same BPM makes no sense, unless we’re all working on the same song/track.

The Future idea was Utopia and Dystopia as a double CD opposites concept. It would give us a chance to be light and airy on the one hand and dark and dangerous on the other ;)

It’s also suited to most of our styles, and lends itself well to instrumentals, production trickery and fits well with the general promotion of Creative Commons. (without being to preachy)
permalink   cdk Thu, Apr 5, 2007 @ 7:44 PM
the tempo thing was my idea,
so the tracks can be tied together in a somewhat seemless album,
a future theme seems insanly cliche’ (perhaps fitting) i think the “theme” if any, is a hodgepodge
of whats going on in mixter right now…
permalink   tacet Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 5:29 AM
I thought you enjoyed a challenge? ;)

Most people here want a general or connected theme, I think it’s sensible otherwise we’d just have a “ccmmixter greatest hits” album.

I also think you do a great job of the megacolabs already which are same-tempo-anything-goes so it seems silly to overlap :)
Tomas PhUsIoN
permalink   Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 8:08 AM
I think the bpm thing would tie our hands a little, i also think that a ying and yang, light and dark type theme sounds like a great idea, you would be reaching a wider audiance, and you have your theme and it would also give one lucky person a night in front of photoshop dreaming up a fantastic album cover. on that note hows about everybody sending in a nice photo of themselves for a collage promotional photo shoot, i rekon the public would like to see how good-looking ccmixter stars are :).
just an idea.
permalink   cdk Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 10:55 AM
okay, nevermind the tempo thing, lol
permalink   cdk Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 12:09 PM
on that note hows about everybody sending in a nice photo of themselves for a collage promotional photo shoot, i rekon the public would like to see how good-looking ccmixter stars are :).

yeah that sounds cool, see what everyone looks like!!! lol.
permalink   victor Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 2:39 PM
I vote for getting someone who actually knows graphics (like say, who’s initials are ASHWAN) to handle that and let them do whatever they want.
permalink   ASHWAN Sat, Apr 7, 2007 @ 7:12 AM
Quote: fourstonesI vote for getting someone who actually knows graphics (like say, who’s initials are ASHWAN) to handle that and let them do whatever they want.

oh, i have no idea what i am doing, i just f*ck around with things….just like my music!

with regards to the bpm being the same…not feelin that idea.

and the photos of ourselves: we want to attract listeners don’t we? my ugly ass would definitely put the blockers on that ish. even marilyn manson listeners would be crying on the phone to their mommies ;-)

definitely interested in playing around with some ideas for a cover tho.
let me know if anything is decided with an email please.
permalink   Tomas PhUsIoN Sun, Apr 8, 2007 @ 1:15 AM
and the photos of ourselves: we want to attract listeners don’t we? my ugly ass would definitely put the blockers on that ish. even marilyn manson listeners would be crying on the phone to their mommies ;-)

im sure you look just fine.i rekon if were going public then it would help our cause,the public like to put faces to what they buy, makes them feel secure. (marketing manual vol 1 chpt 3 par 147) i made that up by the way.;).
permalink   Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 9:18 AM
I’m down. As far as timelines go, don’t forget that most of us have a perfectionist streak and don’t like to let our “children” out until they’re all scrubbed up and dressed nice. Having no proper mastering environment (philips MC-10 speakers do not reference monitors make) I’m trying to balance between inspiration and polish; my ego can take the idea that others have more experience, skills and gear than I do- if you like my take on a track, go ‘head, make it mo’ betta, I ain’t hatin’…
permalink   J.Lang Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 10:27 AM
I’d be willing to let you mix here at my place duckett, that way maybe you could get the sound that your looking for.
permalink   duckett Fri, Apr 6, 2007 @ 1:15 PM
(pointing at screen, telling fiancee)…”Do you see? THAT’s why
I spend ‘so much damn time on that thing’! Listen to the man’s tracks, and ask me again why I’m so happy!”
permalink   Mon, Apr 9, 2007 @ 6:11 AM
I also have pathetic monitoring facilities (too embarrassed to even name them) so any offers of help in the later stages would be most welcome. Come to think of it, would it be good to have all the tracks mastered by the same person or team, to give a more unified sound? (but not bpm, I agree)
permalink   Tomas PhUsIoN Mon, Apr 9, 2007 @ 11:05 AM
i dont think we need the same person mastering everyones work, i would agree that as far as the cd goes the tracks need to be of the same level so it plays more evenly, but as most producers will tell you mastering is something they..
A enjoy as part of the music creation process…and
B is part of what gives that producer his or her individual sound.
So i vote that if anyone needs some mastering done, im sure someone would be glad to help out.
but thats only my view,if everyone decided that one person should do it,thats cool by me.
permalink   oldDog Mon, Apr 9, 2007 @ 11:43 AM
yeah, on second thoughts your right, it’s not like we’re all in the same band!
But I could still do with some help - maybe I’ll be getting those sub-woofers and stuff before long now I’m getting hooked on this thing, but not this month.
Ran Dumb Dots...... .. .
permalink   Tue, Apr 10, 2007 @ 1:39 AM
Latest thoughts on ccMixter & collaboration features here
Tomas PhUsIoN
permalink   Wed, Apr 11, 2007 @ 2:32 AM
erm….sorry to have to be the one that says this, but if we’re thinking of getting this CD out in may, hadn’t we better be getting a move on? :P
permalink   Project 1 Wed, Apr 11, 2007 @ 3:14 AM
^It’s up there somewhere.

All the dates were pushed back around two weeks. We’re almost started. : )

Start - April 16th
Deadline - May 30th
Release - June
permalink   cdk Wed, Apr 11, 2007 @ 12:30 PM
do we have an updated list of members who want to be on this?
permalink   Project 1 Wed, Apr 11, 2007 @ 1:26 PM
^this is somewhere up there too.

Narva9, G.Wills, Calendar Girl, 21pele, Tacet, KCentric, Ronan Tyrrell, Ashwan, CDK, J. Lang, Shockshadow, Plurgid, DJ Blue, OldDog, Hepepe, Etherdust, Tomas Phusion, _ghost, Dr. Concoction, Duckett, teru

So far.
permalink   cdk Wed, Apr 11, 2007 @ 1:39 PM
permalink   Sawtooth Fri, Apr 27, 2007 @ 2:37 PM
I want in if possible.

Stil hazy on the details though.
permalink   Project 1 Fri, Apr 27, 2007 @ 3:57 PM
Joining in late is not impossible. You just need to find yourself a partner. That’s the only tough part. If you do, let me know please.

We’re all hazy on the details. But in a nutshell. There are 21 people, paired into groups of two. They each have a collaboration page, a new feature at ccM. On the collab page they can communicate back and forth and upload and listen to samples, parts and remixes in a private area. Each pair works on a song. We all listen to each other, give feedback, etc… The goal is to have 10+ tracks of the highest quality ccMixter music to put together as an album completed this summer.
permalink   Sawtooth Fri, Apr 27, 2007 @ 4:02 PM
Okay…who’s in that hasn’t been partnered up yet?
permalink   Project 1 Fri, Apr 27, 2007 @ 5:06 PM
Everybody is already paired up. We’re two weeks in already. Unless you can find a partner(quickly) yourself, you’ll have to hold off till next time. Sorry.
permalink   Sawtooth Fri, Apr 27, 2007 @ 5:08 PM
Aw, nuts.

I always find out about these awesome things too late.
Project 1
permalink   Thu, Apr 12, 2007 @ 4:27 PM
Random selection will be done on April 14th and emailed for approval from each participant.

So far there 20 people = 10 tracks. Please sign-up if you have not done so already. : )
permalink   Fri, Apr 20, 2007 @ 11:53 AM
Darn. I thought I signaled interest early on for this one, but did not know it was in a sign-up period. Looks like I missed out.
permalink   Fri, Apr 27, 2007 @ 1:11 PM
I’ve been posting project updates (sort of) on ccMixterblog.
Mickey Jello
permalink   Thu, May 3, 2007 @ 7:28 AM
Awww crap ;p I too missed any word of this until now.. Well I wish everybody good luck in their endeavours… make good music!
permalink   gurdonark Thu, May 3, 2007 @ 10:04 PM
I see that sawtooth also wanted to participate. Perhaps you should see if sawtooth has a collaborator.
permalink   Tue, May 29, 2007 @ 8:20 AM
is it too late to collab? Ive just read the thread for the first time.. sounds like fun…
permalink   slumberlords Tue, May 29, 2007 @ 8:23 AM
OK, Ive just read the deadlines.. so disregard this post.

Please count me in for the second phase (if there is any)..