260809 Funky Nurykabe
uploaded: Sun, Nov 7, 2010 @ 2:03 PM last modified: Tue, Nov 16, 2010 @ 12:12 PM (add)
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Remix Notes: Morusque (NuryKabe) has a deeeeeeeep collection of funky, beat-driven and hook-filled samples. It’s like a candy store for mixters. Two samples jumped out at me right away—170708 nappes 01,and 260809 organ 01. I’ve been crafting a “band” around those samples ever since. 260809 Funky Nurykabe is a instrumental track. I heard a Galatic jam band feel in my head when listening and tried to capture that style in the drums as best as possible with hydrogen and audacity. After more than a few guitar parts, bass and synth organ parts, I got something that had me dancing ‘round the house. I tried to keep true to the samples feel and let it be the skeleton for the groove. I hope that shines through! And learning to play along with the sample was great for my fingers—it brought me out of a long and lazy haitus away from my chops. Thanks Morusque, love your collection of sounds and your mixes are tasty too! Panu’s instructions is out of this world!
media, secret_mixter, remix, fall_2010, trackback, in_web, in_video, bpm_100_105, sample, attribution, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, archive, zip, drums, funky, guitar, instrumental, loops, synthesizer
Contents of ZIP Archive: Sample
The Mixversation
Recommended by:
Blake (blakeht), Tom_Ena, Morusque (Nurykabe), panu (panumoon), Admiral Bob (admiralbob77), Snowflake, i2b (i2b5k0), PorchCat, MC Jack in the Box (mcjackinthebox), go1dfish, rewired, Sassygal, Alex (AlexBeroza), musikpirat, George_Ellinas, unreal_dm, texasradiofish, Anchor (anchormejans), Abstract Audio (Citizen_X0), Calling Sister Midnight (romancito), Ivan Chew (ramblinglibrarian), onlymeith, Clarence Simpson (casimps1), J.Lang (djlang59), Gonzo, vo1k1, urmymuse, Subliminal, SackJo22, ScOmBer, error404 (presse), bsperan, coruscate, Koczko, gilb, promomentum, MarkB_wi, Creativecreature, Susanv78660, William Bignoli (willoleash), Ivano, SpudSupreme, Apoxode Found in 16 playlists
"260809 Funky Nurykabe"
by spinningmerkaba 2010 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Uses samples from:Samples are used in:![]() |