Home » People » jaspertine » "pling"


uploaded: Sun, Feb 8, 2009 @ 7:54 AM
Recommends (27)
i threw pretty much everything I could think of at the wall of this one, and only a very small fraction of those… interesting… ideas actually stuck. What’s left is a fairly simple, laid back sinewave melody with only a few embellishments over top of it.

It was at least part of the original plan to strip the track down to only the minimum essentials. This extended not just to the arrangements, but production as well, as I used fewer crayons overall in the sculpting of this… at least it seemed that way when actively skipping over certain steps that I used to consider essential to the process.

Bill Ray’s drums (of which I am unabashedly a fan) were used extensively throughout different permutations of the track, and in the end, wound up so mutilated as to not sound like drums at all, which was the main inspiration for that little epilogue at the end.
Play pling

by jaspertine

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