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Act Cool ( Roman Holiday )

uploaded: Sun, Apr 27, 2008 @ 3:12 PM
FeaturingMarinella Mastrosimone.
Recommends (40)
I think this was one of the first acapella’s i downloaded from the site, but as there was a Gazillion mixes of it already i put it aside until the crowd left and i was ready to try it out.

Over the years there are certain songs, images, sounds and movies that have played out and replay in one way or another. I often don’t know they are there inside until i play something.

Interesting mix of time signatures here . A 130 bpm vocal in 3/4 translates to roughly 90 bpm 4/4. and then moved easily to 97.

I am sure i once saw Marinella Mastrosimone on a menu once . If not it should have been as she’s tasty !

I just wish she would have said `Dahling’ somewhere :-)

"Act Cool ( Roman Holiday )"
by Loveshadow

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