Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Loveshadow » "The Acorns. Seedin Time in The Oak Room."

The Acorns. Seedin Time in The Oak Room.

uploaded: Sat, Oct 27, 2007 @ 4:13 PM
Recommends (37)
Well i resisted doing this for some time as possibly every Calendar vocal could be arranged like this.

But when i heard that Muted trumpet of Paloseco it was just too much not to go there.

Getting it to fit was a problem but in the end i think the improv feel works. I Left a few errors in aswell for good measure.

I have to say my solo spot was twice as long as the trumpeters lip went for a while, but if he hears this and feels like blowin a few more bars it would be cool to cut it in.

Well it is out of my system now but a lot of fun to do. :-)

`ime a firefighter’ could have done with you a few days ago. :-)

Monday 29th Oct

I am adding this note after this little mix just hit 15 comments. Just to say a big thanks to everyone who has spent time to listen and leave a comment. Getting approval off such a collection of skilled and talented people still means a lot.

Not forgetting CG, Paloseco, and CC Mixter here for building such a great place to make music.

( apologies if it all sounds a bit Oscarish but you get the picture :-)


"The Acorns. Seedin Time in The Oak Room."
by Loveshadow

2007 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

jazz with a capital ‘J’ that invokes every emotion from heartbreak to joy. Listen closely and you’ll hear echoes of the melody (“waiting for … nothing at all”) in the piano solo but more remarkably, in the trumpet cuts culled from our sample


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