Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Tim Gerwing

Djaii (as "Kyro")
permalink   Fri, Feb 25, 2005 @ 8:17 AM
I thought this might be of interest to the community.
(click on the external sources link)
permalink   Fri, Feb 25, 2005 @ 8:24 AM
(I moved this to OT because it’s not really a Review)

So there’s a problem with this upload in that you don’t own the resell rights to the music (unless you got a wavier from Tim) — which means at the least you need to post the song as a Non-Commercial Sampling+

At least…

It’s not clear at all from Tim’s website if you’re even allowed to post the remix on the web (he gives you permission to sell your remix if you split the profits but there’s not mention of file-sharing any other usage).

You should either a) get clear with Tim about all these issues or b) remove the track from Mixter so we don’t get into trouble ;)

Make sense?
Djaii (as "Kyro")
permalink   Fri, Feb 25, 2005 @ 8:34 AM
<quote from Victor> "So there’s a problem with this upload in that you don’t own the resell rights to the music (unless you got a wavier from Tim) — which means at the least you need to post the song as a Non-Commercial Sampling+
<end quote>

Actually, I did specifically talk to Tim about this and he encouraged me to post it here. So… I don’t plan on removing the track unless you have some other issue with it. I’m not sure what else you expected me to do? How are people supposed to ‘prove’ things like that to your satisfaction?

permalink   Fri, Feb 25, 2005 @ 8:42 AM
that’s plenty proof enough ;) If you put that in the description before then I missed it and I’m terribly sorry. (Took my wife to the airport at 5:30am and I’m still groggy and hung-over from that.)

I just want to make clear that by posting the song with Sampling+ license (as opposed to a Non-Commerical Sampling+) you are announcing to the world that the sample material can be used for commerical purposes WITHOUT paying royalties to your or anybody else.

If both you and Tim are cool with that then everbody’s happy. Otherwise let me know and I think I can change the licensing terms without making you re-upload the track again.

Djaii (as "Kyro")
permalink   Fri, Feb 25, 2005 @ 8:50 AM
Okay - cool.

I will switch it to the non-commercial type however just to be on the safe side (if they want the orignal samples, they will have to get them from Tim’s site, which is fine by him). How do I do that with the interface?
permalink   Fri, Feb 25, 2005 @ 9:17 AM
you can’t without deleting the track and re-uploading.

but I just did it for you.

permalink   Fri, Feb 25, 2005 @ 3:28 PM
kyro_sk, dude strange, but spend a little time here and you will realise we are all here because we love music. Nothing sinister. :0) I am also a little drunk so if you think i am being a d1ci head… fare enough.
Popular Culture Metamorphosis
permalink   Fri, Feb 25, 2005 @ 5:22 PM
I’m not drunk, it’s just a speech impediment
and a stomach virus
and an inner ear infection
Djaii (as "Kyro")
permalink   Fri, Feb 25, 2005 @ 6:57 PM
It’s all good.
permalink   Sat, Feb 26, 2005 @ 1:04 AM
Quote: I’m not drunk, it’s just a speech impediment
and a stomach virus
and an inner ear infection

That’s how i feel this morning :0(