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Remix Competition

permalink   Wed, Feb 16, 2005 @ 12:13 PM
I did have a question here asking about how the remix judging is going. But after reading the other post there is no point asking it.

It would be great if CC got sponsored to keep this running with a regular opportunity for people to have their music released. Great for the musicians. I don’t know how great for the staff at CC putting in all the hard work. :0)
Although just chatting to other artist and swapping ideas has been great.
permalink   Wed, Feb 16, 2005 @ 1:49 PM
Regarding the judging:

Regarding the future:
We’re still here. Keep mixing and posting.

Neeru Paharia
permalink   Thu, Feb 17, 2005 @ 12:00 PM

Good to hear from you. We will keep this site up as long as people are active and interested in using it. Though the contest was a formal event, we are hoping the community will keep the momentum going by continually posting and remixing music.

We’re also thinking of other formal remix contests we can do to keep things going. If you have any ideas on how we can help make this a more fruitful space, please let us know.

Eventually, we hope this becomes THE place to find legally sample-able content, and share it with others. However, Mixter needs lots of composing and remixing musicians (like you) who think that’s a valuable thing, and is worth participating in.


Neeru of CC
Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Thu, Feb 17, 2005 @ 6:05 PM
eventually, we hope this becomes THE place to find legally sample-able content, and share it with others. However, Mixter needs lots of composing and remixing musicians (like you) who think that’s a valuable thing, and is worth participating in.

Just to add my 2 cents….. I think the fueling of this fire is largely dependent on established bands licensing their music for us to remix and I’m wondering how CC is recieved by sucessful bands and labels. Were the groups on the Wired CD just offering a single song for the contest’s sake or are there well established bands and labels that truly believe in CC’s work?
permalink   Thu, Feb 17, 2005 @ 6:30 PM
Now we’re into something interesting.

"established bands licensing their music for us to remix " is not necessarily the same thing as "how CC is recieved by sucessful bands and labels."

The latter is a very, very complicated kettle of stew.

Quote: byWere the groups on the Wired CD just offering a single song for the contest’s sake or are there well established bands and labels that truly believe in CC’s work?

Yes and yes. Every one of those bands believes (in some form or another) that artists should have to right release SOME of the rights so other artists can build on their work. Many of the WIRED CD artists have performed at CC sponsored events and all of them went into the project eyes wide open.

Having said that, it’s not clear to me that future of this site hinges primarily on more inolvement by "established artists" (?)

permalink   Thu, Feb 17, 2005 @ 9:34 PM
I don’t think the site hinges primarily on involvement by established artists. This sites success will come from the determination of the artists to continue to produce better quality music and hence the site will start to get recognised by “established artists� due to the quality of the tunes.
However I see Beatgorilla’s point. As we all know it is so hard to break it in the scene, having an opportunity as the one CC just gave provides hope for a lot of artists to continue what they are doing. Not that I will ever stop doing tunes.
Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Fri, Feb 18, 2005 @ 5:38 AM
Quote: This sites success will come from the determination of the artists to continue to produce better quality music and hence the site will start to get recognised by “established artists� due to the quality of the tunes.

I can accept that, I guess I was speaking specifically toward remixing with "legally sample-able content". Everyone here has probably uploaded original songs to some of the other sites around the web, but cc mixter is in a class by itself. I think ‘pellas, wav clips and phrases from "well known" songs would prove incredibly inspirational and warrant a closer look by all in this industry.
So far, there has been some really high quality remixing going on here and I would love to see that trend continue. I would hate to see this site turn into a "soundclick" type site were the unseasoned amateur is king (I don’t dislike soundclick, its just on a different level).
I don’t mean to come off as arrogant, like I’m some life long pro with stellar credentials in this game, but we really have something here and I think the Wired CD showed how more "industry" submissions would be fruitful. It was the difference maker for me personally. I doubt if I would of submitted anything here if the contest was merely upload your best original song. And trust me, I understand that good music will make this site thrive regardless if its remixed or original stuff, but CC has an agenda and created this contest to bring light to that agenda. What better way to perpetuate CC’s mission than finding more and more artist’s and label’s to contribute? It would truly be a win-win for everyone participating.
permalink   Fri, Feb 18, 2005 @ 6:00 AM
outstanding post beatg.

fwiw, I happen to agree 100% with everything you say — and I appreciate the honesty about not joining w/o the ‘brand’ names involved.

[Quote beatgorilla[
What better way to perpetuate CC’s mission than finding more and more artist’s and label’s to contribute?

I would include in this the inevitable new CC artist, through Mixter or otherwise, that actually breaks through.

I am also very interested in keep the quality of the music as high as possible, but I ‘d also like the site to be a ‘safe’ place for new mixers to develop the craft. But I’m not sure how to represent this split on the site…

How would feel about a super-mixter status where folks like yourself would serve as an "editoral staff" who runs an expanded version of "Featured Mixters" where visitors (especially industry types) could go for the best music on the site . ?

Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Fri, Feb 18, 2005 @ 6:33 AM
Thats a great idea! I’d definitely be interested, so if that ever comes together feel free to contact me. I do understand your desire to bring newbies to the table and agree with the motivation thats behind it, but I’m with you on the difficulties of creating a split-site. I guess one way would to work it would be to have a portion of the site accessible only by the "editoral staff" that would be able to copy or link to the exceptional mixters. Almost like a review page of some sort. Is that sort of what you meant?
permalink   Fri, Feb 18, 2005 @ 6:37 AM
Quote: T Is that sort of what you meant?

exactly ;)

Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Fri, Feb 18, 2005 @ 6:48 AM
Great. I hope this happens. I’m already looking forward to it.
permalink   Fri, Feb 18, 2005 @ 12:53 PM
…and it shall be so…

lemme figure out how to hack it in

permalink   Fri, Feb 18, 2005 @ 2:28 PM
Well that post turned out better than what I could of hoped for. Nice work guys!! Split site idea is on the money. Advertising on the site that a select criteria makes it through to such a “level� that known industry types visit for talent is in itself something different on offer compared to any other site, and hopefully will keep this a live and active scene. If I were in A&R that would be attractive as you don’t have to swim through the billions of uploaded tracks. You could even categorise the selected.

Beatg your point on “legally sample-able content� is one that I hope can also be followed through on, but this is a little trickier to get the big players involved. The attraction of doing a remix with “well known� songs is the same reason why I entered, and I dare say the majority of all other entries.
Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Sat, Feb 19, 2005 @ 6:26 PM
Quote: The attraction of doing a remix with “well known� songs is the same reason why I entered, and I dare say the majority of all other entries.

Yeah, I agree. I understand it will not be an easy task to get most Labels to submit songs under CC, but it is well worth the effort. We do have a fight on our hands as far as awareness and participation goes. So there should be no holds barred as far as pushing the cause. In your initial post you stated how this site would benefit and thrive on good music being uploaded on a consistent basis. I definitely agree with you and think we are on the same page in that respect.
permalink   Sun, Feb 20, 2005 @ 12:13 PM
Hey I just read this thread and I have to agree with what you guys are saying. I came to this site initially because of the contest and I think that having those kinds of high profile artists to remix would be a great way to keep things going.

What would really be cool is if a traditional artist that feels strongly about CC recorded an album and took a song or two and released not only the song but also the parts under the CC license. Then have a contest to remix the song(s) and send them back to the artist — it seems like a great way to build community with fans/other musicians in a way that’s never been possible before. Like if, for instance, the Beastie Boys’ next cd had a couple songs that were released under CC right on the disc along with the rest of the songs released the traditional way…that way you not only are buying an album, you are getting a way to be involved with their music making.

And then from there what about a whole project that’s like a collective production? I guess that’s sort of the idea of this site, but what if an established artist just recorded tracks to an album — and then put the production in the hands of their fans? Then took the best of it and released as their album in stores under the CC license? Almost like an open-source piece of software applied to music…

I know I’m just pipe dreaming at the moment, but you guys have really got me thinking :-)

Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
permalink   Mon, Feb 21, 2005 @ 2:03 AM
Quote: I guess that’s sort of the idea of this site, but what if an established artist just recorded tracks to an album — and then put the production in the hands of their fans? Then took the best of it and released as their album in stores under the CC license? Almost like an open-source piece of software applied to music…

I know I’m just pipe dreaming at the moment, but you guys have really got me thinking :-)


Don’t know if that’ll ever happen, but thats what I hope will happen. Thats pretty much the whole point, because CC licensing is the musical equivalent of open-source. Ultimately, I think there will be participation from "high profile" artists in the way you’ve suggested.
permalink   Tue, Feb 22, 2005 @ 12:21 PM
Dude what is up with the remix competition? Any idea on when a decision will be made?
permalink   Tue, Feb 22, 2005 @ 12:45 PM
Quote: Victor,
Dude what is up with the remix competition? Any idea on when a decision will be made?


No one tells me nothin.

I think it’ll be quick tho’ cause they want to press CD for sxsw which is soon.

permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 8:30 AM
Don’t mean to be repetative, but I wanted to clarify… As of present, the winners of the contests have not been announced? I thought that I read that the decision would be made by Feb 22, so has that time table changed?
Just wanted to know what the status is.
permalink   Wed, Feb 23, 2005 @ 9:10 AM
Sorry, I didn’t mean to be flippant about it either…

Here’s what I can tell you: The site handed off all the entrants to Creative Commons on the 12th. Soon after that CC handled off to Fine Arts Militia (for the militia mix) and WIRED Magazine (for the freestyle mix). As far as I know we are waiting to hear back from them on the final tally.

I wasn’t told anything about 22nd and I’m pretty sure that date was never posted on this site.

Thanks for your patience. Hang in there.

permalink   Mon, Feb 28, 2005 @ 11:14 AM
Vic, dude. Stick a bomb under the judge’s asses.
Neeru Paharia
permalink   Mon, Feb 28, 2005 @ 11:40 AM
Sorry for the delay. I wanted to make sure I heard back from all of the winners before we posted them. Just heard back from the last person on Friday so we’re posting the winners today.
permalink   Mon, Feb 28, 2005 @ 12:38 PM
Anyone have a drum roll sample? ; )
permalink   Mon, Feb 28, 2005 @ 12:42 PM
Quote: Sorry for the delay. I wanted to make sure I heard back from all of the winners before we posted them. Just heard back from the last person on Friday so we’re posting the winners today.

doh, that means i am out :0)
permalink   Mon, Feb 28, 2005 @ 2:25 PM
Quote: Vic, dude. Stick a bomb under the judge’s asses.

ka-boom! ;)
permalink   Mon, Feb 28, 2005 @ 2:54 PM
congrats to all the winners!

p.s. what happened to DJ Polar Bear’s mix: Blast?! :( It gets honorable mention by me..