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Disappearing posts??

permalink   Thu, Mar 30, 2006 @ 1:30 PM
My posts keep disappearing for some reason…any ideas?
permalink   Thu, Jun 1, 2006 @ 10:15 AM
You know, I might be having a related problem. On one of my recent tracks I left replies to some of the reviews, and now they aren’t showing up at all (just the reviews are). Any ideas?

It’s this one:
permalink   Thu, Jun 1, 2006 @ 2:47 PM
Quote: hisboyelroyand now they aren’t showing up at all (just the reviews are).

Wait, I need to understand the chronology:

The replies were there, but since we upgraded the forums they disapeared?

permalink   Thu, Jun 1, 2006 @ 9:04 PM
OK, I’ve been looking at this all day and it’s a really bad one; it looks like on a certain day a few weeks ago the ‘tree’ of posts (the part that knows what’s a reply to what) was corrupted.

The good news is that all the posts are still there but recontstructing the tree is going to be a bear, I’m sure it will get fixed — just not sure how yet ;)

permalink   cinematrik Fri, Jun 2, 2006 @ 10:24 AM
Sorry to hear that - that sounds like it sucks. Yeah your earlier post was right, they showed up fine before the forum upgrade (which btw, thanks for working so much on!) and then I’m guessing that once the upgrade happened they went away, since I noticed they were gone after the upgrade.

permalink   Fri, Jun 2, 2006 @ 12:35 PM
sucks more than you know…

OK: This is technically not a bug, there’s actually nothing wrong in the code. What happened is that in preparation for installing the new forums I ran a script last Sunday that was the wrong one and it destroyed a part of the reply-tree. That left about 836 “dangling replies” in the system from March 10 to May 28 (your replies were done on the 21st.) That one is 100% my screw up and yea, I feel pretty freakin lousy about that. I literally clicked on the the wrong link and boom…

This kind of thing would normally be a no-brainer, just restore from the back-up on the morning of the 28th. The problem is that the folks that run servers tell me the back-up is somewhere between no good and nowhere.

My options at this point are few and, indeed, they all suck.

I’m going to try to write a script today that deals with this because I have noticed some significant patterns that I can take advantage of in an attempt to ‘re-attach’ the replies (e.g. about 90% of the replies are authored by the same person that did the initial upload that was reviewed — like how you replied to reviews left for you.)

Sorry ‘bout all this,
permalink   victor Sun, Jun 4, 2006 @ 7:47 PM
OK — I managed to ‘re-connect’ over half the replies including the ones you linked to above.

The others like I said are still in the system but orphaned because it just wasn’t obvious enough (even on two passes) where they belonged.

There are some valuable posts in there, especially where artists talk about their process. I will work extra hard at ‘saving’ those, probably create a thread in these forums to re-attach them there so we share them again.

Of the 300 odd orphaned replies I can summarize the majority of them because I have read all of them several times and I can safely say:

Porchat is very grateful for everybody that uploaded samples that he used.

cdk likes to thank a guy named ‘dude’ (a lot)

Gurdonark is developing carpal-tunnel

Lots of folks are grateful for Ms. Vybe’s pells.

That victor guy sure is a crotchety geezer.

Everybody loves teru. teru, teru, teru.


permalink   teru Sun, Jun 4, 2006 @ 10:31 PM
But how can you be sure it wasn’t just one message saying teru is a crotchety dude with carpel tunnel? ; )
lo tag blanco
permalink   Thu, Jun 22, 2006 @ 5:18 PM
some of my replies got hooked into the wrong place… they’re not important, so i was going to delete them, but the delete feature seems to be off… i keep getting a message that the system is down for an upgrade.

edit works though.
permalink   victor Fri, Jun 23, 2006 @ 11:11 AM
ok, this should be fixed now.
