Imagination Rising Remix Event
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permalink   Thu, Oct 26, 2023 @ 1:27 PM
I ‘ve been very short on time and also having problems finding a form for my music, but the question is simple :
should I upload new material to ccmixter or to mixterplus ? I presume the latter, as it needs to grow ??
Sorry if this happens to have been discussed on the livestream, I also missed that
Thanks Martin
permalink   Thu, Nov 23, 2023 @ 3:14 AM
Me Too!
I still try to understand the difference between both. I returned from some time off and am trying to figure out what has happened ;-)
permalink   Thu, Nov 23, 2023 @ 5:19 AM
I don’t know if this is helpful (or even correct) but as I understand it MixterPlus is for ‘events’, at least for the time being. Regular uploads should still go to ccmixter. Like I said, I don’t know if that’s correct but that’s how I’ve been doing it.

But now there’s a ‘Seasons’ event on MixterPlus and ccmixter simultaneously. Here’s how I’m interpreting that situation - On ccmixter we should concentrate our efforts on mixing older, perhaps neglected, vocals. There’s a very helpful listing link on the Circle of Seasons announcement page. And we should put our fresh samples and vocals (Seasons related) up on MixterPlus when the event kicks off there (I think this upcoming Sunday?).

Anybody with better knowledge of these things (admins) - please feel free to corroborate or correct.
permalink   Sat, Nov 25, 2023 @ 5:01 PM
These are important questions and I’m glad you’re asking.

A significant difference between the two platforms is that mixterplus is building a library that can be included in Content ID using a group copyright license. Being part of Content ID is one way we ensure compliance with our licenses, including proper attribution, and royalty payments when required. Currently, our cc-licensed music from ccmixter is banned from the content ID program.

ccMixter continues to be a vital creative platform with a library enjoyed by content creators internationally. However, being excluded from Content ID inhibits our ability to monitor compliant use of our music.

Regarding the Circle of Seasons event, it will run simulatanously at both ccMixter and mixterplus. The focus at ccmixter is on remixing vocals from our archives. If you discover and play with an unmixed or rarely mixed gem-of-a-pell, bravo!

Original seasonal songs for remixing are on the mixterplus wish list this holiday season! Tracks from this event shared at mixterplus will be submitted to Content ID.

We also appreciate new renditions of public domain music, and welcome such offerings both at mixterplus and ccmixter.

We will go over all of this at tomorrow’s live stream Nov 25 at 10:00 am Pacific. If you can make it, wonderful! If not, I believe it will subsequently be posted on our Youtube channel.

I hope this provides some clarification.