Imagination Rising Remix Event
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New Merch & New Tiers to Explore on Patreon

Kara Square
permalink   Thu, Mar 30, 2023 @ 12:29 PM

Celebrate the new look and support the music with your Patreon membership today.

With the big reveal of ccMixter’s new logo designed by our very own Airtone, we HAD to take this opportunity to create new merch for patrons!

Take a look! You will find brand new tiers all sporting the brand new merch:

▪ Got a guitar case with a free space for a sticker?

▪ Need a new mug for your favorite hot beverage?

▪ How about an organic tote bag for hauling music gear?

▪ Wanna rock out wearing the coolest t-shirt around?

▪ Get super cozy inside and out with a ccMixter emblazoned hoodie?

WANT IT ALL? Oh yes! There’s an option for that as well and it’s aptly named “All the Merch.” Go find your favorite tier.

Already a supporter? Be sure to check out the new options and upgrade your membership if you’d like the new merch (you can change your tier anytime). All tiers that are $10 and up now have merch that will be shipped to current and new patrons after 3 months.

Don’t forget! Please update your shipping address to ensure that you receive your exclusive merch when it’s shipped in 3 months.

Don’t wait, now is the time to show the world that you are a part of the next evolution of remix culture. Join today.