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Help ccMixter Create a Windfall by Buying a Commemorative Shirt

Kara Square
permalink   Mon, Nov 2, 2015 @ 11:40 AM
Hey ccMixter Friends!

Now that your Secret Mixter assignment has arrived in your inbox, you might have noticed the link to the Windfall Secret Mixter Shirt. Do you like the design?

The idea sprouted from a behind-the-scenes brainstorm by ccM’s volunteer admin team. We couldn’t find the perfect image to represent what we wanted to convey with the name: Windfall Secret Mixter (i.e. the abundance of music, creativity, passion, and generosity found in the ccMixter community). All of the images of harvested apples, pumpkins, and autumn leaves from the brainstorming session did eventually spark the concept of this shirt. And once I had the design figured out, we realized how cool it would look on a shirt!

We hope to create a windfall for ccMixter. If you like the shirt and want to support ccMixter, please buy it. (I’m going with the t-shirt… or maybe the hoodie… or both.) All proceeds will help cover ccMixter’s costs. Another great way to help is to join ccPlus. And, of course, making a direct donation is a simple way to give.

I’m looking forward to hearing your Secret Mixter mix! Now… time to dig around my assignment’s awesome uploads…

Take care and cause ruckus,
Kara Square
permalink   Mon, Nov 2, 2015 @ 5:38 PM
Thanks Kara! I bought a women’s T, a long-sleeved T and a hoodie. I couldn’t help myself. Thank you for designing such a cool shirt and for all of your work to make this campaign possible (what a great idea!). Also, a special thanks to Loveshadow for coming up with the name Windfall.

On a more serious note, ccMixter decided not to do a big fundraiser this year (though we really need it) because last year there was such a modest amount of support. I have to admit, it was quite discouraging for me. ccMixter has to find a way to support itself or well, it can’t keep running. If you value our community here, it would be very appreciated if you show that value. I hope you will take a small step to support ccMixter by getting a shirt or making a donation.

Thanks everyone. Happy 11th birthday ccMixter!