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Music for Healing – Upcoming Remix Project Announcement

permalink   Sat, Jan 24, 2015 @ 12:41 PM
The ccMixter admin team is absolutely thrilled to announce our upcoming remix project that will begin February 17: Music for Healing.

It will be a collaboration between and the University of Utah Schools of Medicine, Music, Business and their Library – to create a new collection of music that focuses on healing and supporting patients and their families.

This new partnership is very positive for ccMixter and for Creative Commons licensing overall. We’ve worked hard to educate key folks around campus about the power of sharing, collaboration and community that is made possible at ccMixter. And, we have proudly shared some of your creations here at ccMixter to show them how it works.

We need the next few weeks to ramp up the project on campus — we’re coordinating with almost 30 people and several colleges, schools and departments within this University of 30,000 students. They’ve done very few (if ever) projects across different academic disciplines, and there is a lot of planning and excitement as we help them embark upon this new creative endeavor. They are giving students the opportunity to sign-up for engineer-provided recording sessions (Pro Tools studios) at both the School of Music and their central Library. This is how most students will record their pells and samples.

In our meetings with the Dr. Norman Foster, the U’s Director of the Center for Alzheimer’s Care, we’ve learned nature sounds are helpful to all kinds of patients during stressful situations. We’ve also learned Mozart helps patients with epilepsy. We’ve learned patients and families greatly benefit by hearing the poems and stories of others who have experienced illness — set to music.

How can you get ready for the Music for Healing launch February 17?

*Head outside with your handheld recording device to capture ambient nature sounds.
*Compose songs, poems and melodies focused on a cathartic way of expressing the emotions of facing illness, the power of healing, and your own stories or experiences.
*Practice up your old classical music skills (especially Mozart)!
*Compose ambient instrumental melodies, tones and ideas.
*Create rhythmic, percussive tracks, for Autistic children. Consider utilizing children songs in public domain.
*Read up on the research about music and Dementia, Autism, Epilepsy and Cancer (we will be adding/updating links).

The calendar for the project is:

February 17-March 9: Pells & Samples
March 10-31: Remixing

Learn more here-

With Music for Healing, our goal is to work together with the students, faculty and alumni of the UofU to create this new Creative Commons library of healing music. We’ll be sharing more details about the research provided by leading doctors at the U and elsewhere, as well as sharing stories from patients and families that could be uploaded on the project launch date of Feb 17.

Stay tuned!
permalink   Sat, Jan 24, 2015 @ 4:17 PM
If anyone has any drone instruments they can sample and upload to ccM, those cause an instant relaxation response…ideal for music therapy compositions. ( Sitar, Sarod, sarong, ruder veena, bagpipe, Zampogna, Hurdy-gurdy, Zither, Didgeridoo, etc)

The power of music is that because we are composed of mostly seawater, every cell is a perfect resonator…and music penetrates the blood/brain barrier instantly.
permalink   Jeris Sat, Jan 24, 2015 @ 4:21 PM
Or..maybe make some drone sounds?
Here are some tutorials for making drone sounds in Ableton:

Make Lush Drones

Drones - long, continuous notes or chords in music - are nothing new. Classical Indian music, for example, has used drone instruments such as the Tanpura and Shruti Box for centuries, while the Scottish bagpipes also produce a distinctive drone. With the 20th century, came the introduction of new forms of music in which drones were the centerpiece - and sometimes sole element.
permalink   Snowflake Sat, Jan 24, 2015 @ 4:36 PM
I have an antique harmonium. Would that work? Oh, and singing bowls!
permalink   Jeris Sat, Jan 24, 2015 @ 4:50 PM
Yes…perfect!!! I’ve started a Pinterest board and started pinning some tutorials and free download links

permalink   Snowflake Sat, Jan 24, 2015 @ 10:34 PM
Thank you Jeris. Very cool videos.
permalink   GeeArtriasRose Fri, Feb 13, 2015 @ 11:05 AM
Great resource! Thanks!
permalink   copperhead Sat, Jan 24, 2015 @ 6:19 PM
I was always intrigued by the harmonium.
permalink   GeeArtriasRose Mon, Feb 2, 2015 @ 12:23 PM
I also play a set of crystal bowls and related ambient/drone instruments for healing sessions. Also have a harmonium to play around with. I just joined this site upon seeing this project at twitter, looks like a fun and healing project!
permalink   Jeris Mon, Feb 2, 2015 @ 1:47 PM
Nice! Once the event is launched there will be separate upload forms for samples, remixes, pellas, etc. You’ll want to log in and upload an mp3 so users can preview the audio. I usually add FLAC files as well so full-quality samples are available for remixing. Welcome to ccMixter!
permalink   Snowflake Sat, Feb 14, 2015 @ 1:08 PM
The upload forms will go live on the actual project launch date, Feb 17. Crystal bowls, drone instruments and harmonium are such perfect tones for this project. We’re excited to have you here at ccMixter! :)
permalink   Wed, Jan 28, 2015 @ 9:00 AM
Protools 12 is coming out and they are offering a free version. It’s the full version except for less plugins and tracks. With the new version you will be able to collaborate online!
permalink   Snowflake Sat, Feb 14, 2015 @ 4:02 PM
So cool! I need to take the time to upgrade. (makes me nervous)
permalink   Tue, Feb 3, 2015 @ 11:39 AM
I’m looking forward to this. The first track I ever remixed was Baa Baa Black Sheep, I did it to help a boy with autism learn the entire track in the mid 1990’s. He could only say “Baa Baa Bla…” which he did repetitively. I ripped an a ccapella version from a CD and looped the first bit to mimic what he said using Cool Edit ‘96. I did I think 8 loops then extended the loop to the whole first line and repeated. I worked my way up to the entire song. He loved it! I then got carried away and made a shorter, ‘radio edit’ with looped beats pasted over the top.

Anyway, I’ve been working with kids with autism ever since. A lot of the kids I’ve known over the past 20 years have been drawn to drones and/or percussive tracks. They struggle to predict what could or should happen next in many situations, causing lots of anxiety. Hence the preference for music that drones or repeats. Some also struggle to filter out unwanted sensory information so drones will block out the auditory side of things for them. My didge is often a big hit!

If anyone is interested in learning more about autism (know your audience?), I have a website - http://www.visualsupportsan....
permalink   GeeArtriasRose Fri, Feb 13, 2015 @ 4:58 PM
Very interesting info re: drones and autism. I love the didge, have played my crystal bowls and the like with a couple of didge-playing friends, nice sounds! Do you have any samples here?
permalink   Sun, Feb 8, 2015 @ 10:34 PM
Since the ccM contributor and user communities span many countries, and this project invites the use of Public Domain works, it may be worth noting that public domain is different for different countries.
permalink   essesq Thu, Feb 12, 2015 @ 1:59 PM
I followed your link because I was interested to see the discussion/explanation but then I saw the site it was part of. Wow…what an amazing resource! There’s way too much goodness on the Internet. What a shame that the low hanging fruit is people yelling (both figuratively and literally) and cat videos (nothing against cats or anything)… [end editorial]
permalink   Snowflake Fri, Feb 13, 2015 @ 6:38 PM
Thanks for sharing this!
permalink   Fri, Feb 13, 2015 @ 11:01 AM
Lots of fun putting together items for this project! I’m wondering if it’s ok to use Magnatune samples, since I don’t find their links work anymore here. I’m a lifetime member at their site and have used their music on my project for years, would like to post some here. Thanks.
permalink   Snowflake Fri, Feb 13, 2015 @ 6:38 PM
It should be ok to use magnatune source as long as it is CC licensed - just attribute in the featured colaborators field and add a link in the track description.
permalink   GeeArtriasRose Sat, Feb 14, 2015 @ 9:19 AM
Thanks, will do.
permalink   Tue, Feb 17, 2015 @ 8:37 AM
The ccMixter admin team is excited to share that Music for Healing begins today! Together with students, faculty, alumni and patients of the University of Utah, we will create a new collection of CC licensed music that focuses on healing and supporting patients and their families. Read the press release here.

Music has a true and real power to heal.

Read our check out the project forum post and visit for more details.

Project Dates:
February 17-March 10: Call for Pells & Samples*
March 10-31: Call for Remixes*

*Please use the Music for Healing Submit Forms.

Include a 128k MP3 preview
Upload all stems as FLAC
Songs, poems and melodies focused on a cathartic way of expressing the emotions of facing illness, the power of healing, and your own stories or experiences. Public domain children’s songs, folks songs and old spirituals are also suggested.

Include a 128k MP3 preview
Upload all stems as FLAC
Ambient instrumental melodies and tones
Field recordings of ambient nature sounds
Classical music (especially Mozart)
Rhythmic, percussive tracks, for Autistic children
Cinematic Music for Healing Video Games

Include a 128k MP3 preview
Include any original stems
Upload your full mix as FLAC
Must include stems from University of Utah contributors to be considered for University of Utah awarded prizes.

ccPlus. We encourage you to check the ccPlus Box when uploading your pells and samples. This will make it easier to include your contribution in future albums, curations and other opportunities. (And you help support ccMixter by doing so too!)

#Music4Healing. Please use the hashtag #Music4Healing in social media.

Questions. Please email admin with any questions.


Thank you for participating in Music for Healing. We believe this is a very special project for our community.
permalink   Snowflake Tue, Mar 31, 2015 @ 4:36 PM
Many thanks to everyone for contributing to Music for Healing. More than 300 pells, samples and remixes were contributed over the past few weeks. That’s impressive.

There have been well over 100 samples contributed, and many yet to be remixed. Many pells remained unmixed as well. The remixes contributed are powerful and we’re going to keep this project going in the background for a while longer.

The University of Utah School of Medicine would like to share our music with their patients and families via albums. Their Music and Memory program will provide healing music to more than 2,000 assisted living facilities as well. This is a great opportunity for our music to be heard in very meaningful ways.

Our goal is to curate full albums of the following by the end of the summer:

- Healing Stories: this album will include remixes of Dr. Foster’s patients as well as excerpts from his interviews, interspersed with songs that tell stories from both a patient’s and family member’s perspective. It would be wonderful if some of you took on the task of remixing Dr. Foster’s interviews in an “educational” way — creating a soundtrack to help share his knowledge. There have been many tracks submitted that will be perfect for this album.

Ambient/Meditative: Many beautiful tracks in this genre have already been contributed. Still, there are many pells and samples that are meditative, include sounds of nature, healing bowls, various healing frequencies, etc. that have not been remixed. We’d love to have 18-20 tracks on this album and include as many of the genre-related samples & pells as possible.

Classical/Public Domain: The tracks in this genre are excellent - we just need more of them! And there are several classical samples contributed that need remixing. It would be ideal to release one classical album and one of tracks in public domain (spirituals, traditional, old folk songs, children’s songs, etc.).

Music for Video Games: The classical tracks Texasradiofish contributed would be amazing for this collection. There are many others too! The University of Utah’s Electronic Arts school is very interested in this type of music. So getting even more of it would be fantastic. :)

Thank you again for contributing your talents, stories, time, and support to Music for Healing. Your music has already made a difference in people’s lives. Especially mine.

permalink   duckett Wed, Apr 1, 2015 @ 12:46 AM
Sorry I’ve been out of the loop for a bit- currently getting some software annoyances resolved; been wanting to do something for this, and will, as soon as my ‘puter gets straightened out!
permalink   Sat, Jan 8, 2022 @ 9:06 AM
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Tu moje wszystkie piosenki:
permalink   Apoxode Sat, Jan 8, 2022 @ 9:45 PM
wrong section of forums!

needs to be in pluggy plugs