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Adobe Audition

permalink   Thu, Jan 12, 2006 @ 8:31 PM
I was just wondering. What happened to the copies of Adobe Audition that were to be given away after the Wired Contest?

I always wanted to try it out. I don’t think I’m brave enough to actually purchase anything by Adobe, my computer might freak out again. Unless someone thinks it’s worthwhile. I’ve noticed Shagrugge uses it and his stuff sounds real solid.
permalink   Sun, Jan 15, 2006 @ 1:30 PM
Quote: I was just wondering. What happened to the copies of Adobe Audition that were to be given away after the Wired Contest?

I always wanted to try it out. I don’t think I’m brave enough to actually purchase anything by Adobe, my computer might freak out again. Unless someone thinks it’s worthwhile. I’ve noticed Shagrugge uses it and his stuff sounds real solid.

I started out in 95 with Cool Edit by Syntrillium…the company kept going and released several updates…one of which I ended up recommending to two radio stations I worked for and they ended up purchasing them…Cool Edit Pro (multitrack cool edit), which later was purchased by Adobe. It’s basically Cool Edit Pro with Adobe’s name on it….syntrillium was a really good company. Always took care of support needs.

The one time I called Adobe though… I spent more time talking to a computer menu than a real person who told me their computers were down so he couldn’t help me.

- It’s still a good product though, I just wish Syntrillium still had it. Also, I’ve noticed you can get Cool Edit packages for pretty cheap on EBay or Amazon. -
permalink   Thu, Jan 19, 2006 @ 6:12 AM
I use audition. It has two modes: multitrack assembly and wave editing. Audition is different from most tools in that ‘real time’ capabilities are quite limited. I’m not really fond of the multitrack tools; I had to seek out sequencers. However, its wave editing tools are top notch. For sample editing and post production I’m not sure it can be beaten (especially for the price.) Though I’m not lucky enough to have my hands on all those pricy audio suites.


While we’re on the subject of audio software, I’ve recently been exploring Reaktor. It’s quite nice. If you’re even remotely interested in software synth building Reaktor is your tool (besides hitting the code for yourself, that is.) In fact, building instruments is similar to working with functions. Each module represents a function and the signal passes through modules. This allows, like, totally rad capabilities, man.
permalink   Thu, Jan 19, 2006 @ 3:39 PM
I would argue that the multitrack tools are very useful. Specifically the loop, volume, and pan controls in the multitrack portion. I use the waveform view quite a bit as well to edit and add effects and filters. But in multitrack view you can drop multiple realtime effects on specific tracks, create mixdowns of selected files or the entire mix all, you can mixdown to an empty track. I Loop properties allow you to loop continuously or at specified intervals. You also have trim, copying and splicing capabilities which allow for some quick edits…wihtout going back to waveform view. I find myself using the multitrack just as much as I do the waveform view if not more so.

I would recommend just getting a version of Cool Edit Pro as it is basically the same product at a much more reasonable price. Audition is overpriced when compared to Cool Edit Pro on Ebay or Amazon.