Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Cost Analysis

Citizen C
permalink   Fri, Nov 7, 2014 @ 12:27 AM
Anyone ever figured out what it costs for bandwidth/storage per song or artist?
permalink   Fri, Nov 7, 2014 @ 8:38 AM
The main costs of our bandwidth is because of the big growth at We think this is a good thing. As more and more folks are streaming and downloading our music. Our API is being used, which is also a great thing but is taking bandwidth. The costs of one single artist are not that significant.

The best thing we can do is keep making great music, join and help support our ccPlus program and our endeavors to raise money *beyond* our community, like the new Trackback Drive. Leaving is not the answer and will only hurt us more. ccMixter is all about the whole.

Some good news. We’ve been working with the University of Utah Music School and their Medical School to create a new remix event — creating music for healing. And, we are having some discussions with potential, relevant sponsors of that event. We hope everyone will get behind this type of approach, is it could be a great solution for ccMixter, and will not invade our experience like ads would.

permalink   Citizen C Sun, Nov 9, 2014 @ 12:59 AM
Great Ideas, News & Thanks for the Response and all your efforts with the Environmental issues have left a great lasting impact of empathy like for things some people take for granted. Peace also.