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Tubed BY You: Music for Film Project

permalink   Mon, Aug 29, 2011 @ 9:26 PM
Tubed BY You
Music for Film Project

ccMixter is becoming recognized as one of the best sites providing music for film. At YouTube alone, a search for “ccmixter” results in more than 7,000 results! The demand for accessible, free, quality music for video is high.

We think building our catalog of music that video makers dip into will give ccM artists more opportunities to have their music heard. And, we believe increasing our ‘music for film’ catalog under CC BY license will better ensure our music is used in accordance with the different CC licenses.

As this project is aimed at increasing the “music for film” catalog, it is focused on new submissions.


Stem Phase: Aug 29-Sept 10. Focus on creating CC BY samples and stems for film.

Remix Phase: Sept 10-Sept 24: Focus on CC BY remixes for film (feel free to start remixing right away!)


Increase the ccMixter ‘music for film’ library

While all styles of music at ccM are used in videos, instrumental and ambient music seem to be the most used as soundtracks.

Increasing CC BY licensed offerings will allow video makers maximum flexibility and increase artist visibility.

Make it easier for video makers to find music for their projects

Tagging, curating and licensing are ways in which we can facilitate use of our music.

Searches for commercially available music for film at continue to increase.

Educate users on proper use of CC-licenses

Through ccM trackbacks and correspondence, we’ve learned video makers are not always clear on how to use CC-licensed music.

We want to help the video-making community understand how to use cc-licensed material, with an emphasis on Attribution and the right differentiation between CC BY, CC BY NC, etc.

Engage the ccMixter community in efforts to ensure our music is being used according to license terms

We have observed increasingly that “NC” licensed tracks are appearing in videos that support commercial endeavors in one way or another. While the admin team tries to stay on top of usage of ccMixter music outside of license terms, the community’s involvement in this effort will really help.

Choosing CC BY or CC BY NC is always an artist’s choice, but by increasing the number of remixes intentionally created as CC BY for film, we’ll give video makers choice too – and a better chance at understanding CC licenses overall.

* * *

We hope to get a record number of contributions to this project! We’re also reaching out to YouTube, Vimeo and Hulu to educate them about the different CC licenses, attribution and the growing ccMixter ‘music for film’ catalog.
permalink   Mon, Aug 29, 2011 @ 9:56 PM
Thanks Susan! I’m looking forward to this project, as it is definitely going to stretch me beyond my usual style. I’ve never done an instrumental track here at ccM, so this will be my first! And I’m going to finally do those vocal samples Gurdonark suggested to me so long ago. :)
permalink   spinningmerkaba Tue, Aug 30, 2011 @ 12:38 PM
Thanks Sackjo22!

Playlist Links:




Note to Mixters: Please use the Tubed BY You upload forms when you submit files for this event—it will automatically add your contributions to the playlists!

Quiet on the set! Three, two, oneaction!
permalink   Ivan Chew Thu, Sep 1, 2011 @ 10:57 AM
Hi Jason, unfortunately I submitted this set of stems before I read this post. I tried adding the tubed_by_you tag after uploading but didn’t seem to work. Is there another way,, apart from submitting the same set using the correct form? Thanks!
permalink   Admiral Bob Thu, Sep 1, 2011 @ 12:08 PM
it is a system tag, so I added it. Still won’t show up on the playlist though, unfortunately.
permalink   Snowflake Thu, Sep 1, 2011 @ 12:33 PM
it should be there now!
permalink   spinningmerkaba Thu, Sep 1, 2011 @ 12:35 PM
my bad-the playlist limit was set to 25, I just reset to 100! sorry ‘bout that :-)
permalink   Ivan Chew Fri, Sep 2, 2011 @ 6:35 AM
THANKS! you all rock!
permalink   economix Mon, Sep 12, 2011 @ 6:13 AM
Snowflake if you are looking for inspiration, please consider making an acapella from my pathetic contribution to music at
A lullaby is not exactly soundtrack material, but I heard the call.
permalink   Tue, Aug 30, 2011 @ 12:27 AM
Wonderfantastic, Susan! :)
permalink   spinningmerkaba Tue, Aug 30, 2011 @ 12:42 PM
Nice stems you’ve uploaded already!
permalink   Tue, Aug 30, 2011 @ 2:24 AM
amazing project. i always wanted to create song for film. that’s the chance =]
Kara Square
permalink   Tue, Aug 30, 2011 @ 6:35 AM
Awesome project! I’m quite excited for this one… it gives me a great excuse to make some weird remix-able vocal sounds. I love the idea of expanding the pool of CC-BY music. It’s a win-win: more options for film makers and increased visibility to us as individuals and as a community.
permalink   Admiral Bob Tue, Aug 30, 2011 @ 8:41 AM
I second that. I’ve been thinking of what weird sounds and noises I can add.
permalink   Tue, Aug 30, 2011 @ 9:18 AM
just tag it Tubed BY You when submitting the remix?
permalink   Kara Square Tue, Aug 30, 2011 @ 9:53 AM
Hey septahelix- Thanks for asking! When you go to submit files, you’ll see some new forms- “Submit a Tubed MIx,” “Submit a Tubed Pell,” and “Submit Tubed Samples.” Just pick the appropriate form, submit your files as usual, and the tags will be automatically applied to your submission.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Tue, Aug 30, 2011 @ 12:41 PM
I just created the playlists for the event (see above reply), so we should be rolling smoothly now!
permalink   Tue, Aug 30, 2011 @ 9:43 PM
Great find! And true, even one of my remixes from secretmixer was used in a couple commercials. Kinda like film :D
permalink   Wed, Aug 31, 2011 @ 9:44 AM
I also would like to share this video that demonstrates how to find and attribute music from dig.ccmixter. Just a few days before anouncing this event, in one of those beautiful moments of synchrocity, the video maker contacted ccM to make sure we were ok with him posting it online. It fits right into “Tubed BY You.”!
permalink   Wed, Aug 31, 2011 @ 4:13 PM
That’s awesome :D I think im going to be delving into my Ambient sounds :D
permalink   Snowflake Thu, Sep 1, 2011 @ 9:15 AM
can’t wait to hear :)
permalink   Thu, Sep 1, 2011 @ 3:37 PM
Can we use already existing tracks with this tag? I’d like to tag my “Golem Cello” music for example…
permalink   short hopper Sat, Sep 3, 2011 @ 9:20 AM
I was wondering the same thing.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Sat, Sep 3, 2011 @ 9:56 AM
Yes—you can submit already existing tracks by adding the tag tubed_by_you

(of course a new contribution would be great too!)

See ya in the mix!
permalink   Thu, Sep 1, 2011 @ 3:39 PM
What a great idea! I hope I have some time to do something. I see many tracks are full mixes which takes away creativity. It would be cool if separate stems were uploaded :)
permalink   Jeris Thu, Sep 1, 2011 @ 7:24 PM
I think I’m to blame for half of
Anyway, I’ve uploaded a bunch of stems with them now : )
permalink   copperhead Fri, Sep 2, 2011 @ 2:13 PM
Cool man and much appreciated :)
permalink   Fri, Sep 2, 2011 @ 3:51 PM
i don’t like how it shows up twice on my page when i submit something i’ve already submitted. is there any way to fix this? it would be nice if one could simply add the tag to the original.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Sat, Sep 3, 2011 @ 9:58 AM
Did you just add the tag, or upload it twice?
permalink   septahelix Sat, Sep 3, 2011 @ 8:38 PM
tried the first option, didn’t work. might have put the tag on wrong. then uploaded through the new set up.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Mon, Sep 5, 2011 @ 8:31 AM
well, one of them is ed picked, and the other is in the Tubed playlist, and both have multiple recommends.

If I delete the one you uploaded in the tubed playlist, and re-tag the ed picked one, you’ll lose the recommends on the deleted track, but your ed pick will remain and be included in the tubed playlist.

What would you like to do?
permalink   septahelix Tue, Sep 6, 2011 @ 1:13 AM
the latter. just keep the ed pick one. i also uploaded another track. a stem titled mandolin chinese. you can do the same to that. just retag the original. thanks for your help.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Tue, Sep 6, 2011 @ 8:11 AM
done. thanks for you patience.
Admiral Bob
permalink   Fri, Sep 2, 2011 @ 8:17 PM
I’ve listened to the samples and remixes, and wow! Mixters are thinking so much bigger than Vlog theme songs and Ytube cooking show intros… we’re talking movie themes, several good ones so far!
permalink   Sun, Sep 4, 2011 @ 12:04 AM
I’ll also be uploading some new samples, but can one of the delightful admins change the following tracks to add them to the sample pool for this project?
* 4 Drones, 1 Madness
* Celestial March of the Alien Fleet
* It was screaming, the whistle wave
* SighFi Masheen Humns


permalink   spinningmerkaba Mon, Sep 5, 2011 @ 8:39 AM
permalink   PorchCat Wed, Sep 7, 2011 @ 1:25 AM
Many thanks!

permalink   Wed, Sep 7, 2011 @ 2:01 PM
heads up tube BY you participants…Creative Commons is looking for remixes of the bands playing at the world summit in Warsaw next week.

Read the announcement here:

The bands, AX Musique and Masala have uploaded stems in the Tubed BY You event. Enjoy!
permalink   Tue, Sep 13, 2011 @ 12:07 PM
The Tubed project is continuing on and will be extended. The header has been temporarily replaced as we honor Joe Lincoln, aka Fireproof Babies, who has just passed away. We are deeply saddened by this tragedy.

I spoke with the director of the upcoming film Rooted In Peace yesterday — we’ve been invited to contribute pells, samples and remixes for use in the film. Will update more soon.
permalink   Sat, Sep 17, 2011 @ 3:57 PM
I have thrown together some mash up clips at
I think it would help if there were some examples of perfect attribution, for example, should the attribution in hard subtitles - under you tube new remix conditions attribution will be lost if the file is copied?
What are the naming conventions for such derivatives if any - for example I discovered a space inside the brackets [ ccMixter] allows the search engine to find it.
An example might also include a BIG FAT warning not to put non-commercial tracks under a youtubeCC license, since non-commercial is not offered by Utube
permalink   Tue, Sep 20, 2011 @ 2:03 PM
A reverent thank you to everyone for pausing the Tubed BY You project to honor Joe Lincoln ( FireProof Babies) with beautiful posts and tribute mixes.

The day after Joe’s passing, ccMixter was given the opportunity to create music for the film Rooted In Peace. For me, this feels tied to Joe somehow.

Rooted In Peace is a documentary that asks us to take notice, stop our cycles of violence, and find personal and geopolitical balance.

Rooted In Peace trailer

I spoke with the director Greg Reitman ( SUNDANCE Award-winner documentary FUEL) at length about ccMixter — Greg is looking for a couple of songs to include in the film/soundtrack on these subjects:

- Fear, war & violence
- Environmental degradation
(plastic & other pollution, deforestation, climate change, etc.)
- Harmony with nature
(planting trees, gardens, preservation, etc.)
- Evolution to higher consciousness
- Peace and Love
(interviews with Dalai Lama, David Lynch, Desmond Tutu, etc.)

The film’s composer VIVEK MADDALA has already begun scoring and the music supervisor has already secured songs from John Lennon, Neil Young and a few others. Still, ccMixter has the opportunity to create songs on the above subjects to be included in the film/soundtrack. Greg has promised me at least one track produced here at ccMixter will be in the film.

New Tubed BY You NEW dates:

1. Call for pells on the subjects above until September 30.

2. Remixes of pells and other Tubed BY You stems until October 8.

In addition to this new opportunity, it is still the goal of Tubed BY You to create a library of songs that can be used by other artists in film with a CC BY license. Thank you again for your flexibility with the dates for this project.

permalink   SackJo22 Tue, Sep 20, 2011 @ 2:18 PM
Exciting news! Will there be an additional tag to mark remixes to be considered for this specific film?

I would love to tag After the War for this project — it seems apt.
permalink   Snowflake Tue, Sep 20, 2011 @ 2:23 PM
great idea on both accounts Susan. if there is a pell you feel is appropriate from past uploads, let admin know so we can tag with rooted_in_peace at system level. of course, we highly encourage new material too :)
permalink   Admiral Bob Wed, Sep 21, 2011 @ 7:43 PM
New material, huh? OK. Done.
permalink   reusenoise Thu, Sep 22, 2011 @ 9:10 AM
Too many things so little time,anyway I’m uploaded some drum loops,hope you can found useful
permalink   Papa_Zulu Tue, Sep 27, 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Cool - fear war and violence! Awesome!

So do you just edit the tag for existing tracks I assume?
Clarence Simpson
permalink   Tue, Sep 27, 2011 @ 7:51 AM
I agree with economix’s comment above… it may be worthwhile to make it very clear to filmmakers that not all of the Tubed By You submissions are even usable in YouTube videos due to YouTube’s limited licensing options.

As far as I can tell, YouTube only supports CC-BY licensing for videos, not the NC or SA variants. Therefore, CC YouTube videos can only use CC-BY music, and All Rights Reserved YouTube videos can only use CC-BY and CC-BY-NC music. SA music can’t be used at all on YouTube, unfortunately… yet SA music makes up a significant portion of the Tubed By You submissions. It’s also worth noting my bug report because I’m pretty sure we’re not even doing SA correctly.

Other video upload sites like Vimeo offer a more robust selection of CC licenses and may be a better choice for filmmakers that cannot or do not want to use CC-BY.

I know that CC-BY licensed music was pointed out as the focus and intent of this project all along, but since there are so many submissions under other CC licenses reiteration may be a good thing.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Tue, Sep 27, 2011 @ 10:05 AM
Thanks Clarence! I agree, and added a note of proper use on the Mixes playlist. Please read and let me know if it addresses the situation properly.
permalink   texasradiofish Wed, Sep 28, 2011 @ 3:24 AM
Please Note: If you are planning to use mixes in your video productions, You already have permission for the tracks that are licensed “CC-BY” only.
All other licenses require you to get permission from the remix artist directly. You can e-mail them from their ccMixter profile page.

Jason, This statement does not support Clarence’s case of using CC-BY-NC add CC-BY with All Rights Reserved YouTube videos, which seems the most common reuse of ccMixter audio on YouTube.

SA has its own gravity. What a pain.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Wed, Sep 28, 2011 @ 9:45 AM
Part of the note posted is “All other licenses require you to get permission from the remix artist directly” which I think covers NC and SA versions of the CC license, yes? Or maybe I’m not understanding this correctly?

I tried to stay conservative. I didn’t want to get to far down into the definitions of the different licenses and how all the different sites work. I could put a link to CC in the note, something like “for further reference, go here”?
permalink   Clarence Simpson Wed, Sep 28, 2011 @ 7:22 AM
what TRF said.

The 2 SA licenses are the only ones totally incompatible with YouTube at the moment. And again, that really only applies to filmmakers posting specifically on YouTube, not filmmakers in general.

Of course, it requires a lot of verbosity to explain every nuance of the licensing… so maybe what you have right now is a good enough conservative rule of thumb to give out and avoid making people’s heads explode. :)

Here’s an idea for a reminder that might be nice to add to ccM… when someone comes along and clicks the “I used this in a video” link, based on the license of the music, display what licenses are legal for the derivative video to have. That may help to clear up some confusion, although I’m not sure what percentage of filmmakers actually go and report their usage by clicking those links.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Wed, Sep 28, 2011 @ 9:51 AM
Yeah, I don’t want exploding heads, lol.

Though I do want to make clear the licensing and use options to the users of ccMixter tracks, and cc music in general.

I like your idea about trackbacks. Maybe Alex or Richard have something to say about implementation of that.

For the Tubed BY You mixes note, do you have a suggestion about how to better word it to get the knowledge out there?
permalink   Sun, Oct 16, 2011 @ 12:28 PM
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Tubed BY You project. And a special thanks to everyone who contributed a remix to Fireproof Babies.

Next up, Secret Mixter! Sign-ups start next Sunday.
permalink   Sat, Oct 29, 2011 @ 7:29 PM
I am seeing a lot of great music out there and was looking forward to seeing what everyone came up with. Every year I make an end of season banquet video for a mid-west sprint car league. It is the Interstate Racing Association. I have been filming them for 4 years now. I am looking for a mix that starts easy, builds up in the middle and ends slightly down. No lyrics unless it is about racing on dirt :)
I fully respect the CC concept as I also do not like my work being taken without permission. CDK was nice enough to let me use one of his songs and I am looking for more to use. The video wil be 10 minutes max. Some of my racing videos are on You Tube under the user name Dagunner. I did not sell last years video because some of the music I used was CC noncomercial I will keep looking and hope to find some great CC-by or get permission to use and credit the author. Thanks for letting me ramble and I will keep digging!

