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Looking for Collab (anything electronic)

permalink   Sun, Aug 21, 2011 @ 10:15 PM
I’m looking to do a collab and I’ve never tried doing it over the internet with someone who I don’t know face-to-face. So here’s what I propose:

You, ccMixter members. The finest musicians and producers that the web has to offer.

An opportunity to work with me, Phazor. Chances are, you probably are more experienced and more talented than I am when it comes to music, but I’d like to think I bring a bit of vision and creativity to the table. I don’t care who you are and/or what you do, so long as you’re interested in putting together some unique, electronic music.

Whenever you want, at whatever pace you can manage. Producing music certainly isn’t my day job and so I work on tracks whenever I can. I’d like to work with someone who isn’t hard pressed to pump out tunes as fast as they can.

Here, in this place we call the internet. More specifically,

Because you share a similar taste and interest in music. Perhaps you like some of the songs I produce and would like to mix our ideas into something epic. Who knows, maybe we’ll find ourselves with an ed-pick (I can dream!). More importantly, I just want to learn from you and share ideas with you. My inspiration feeds off of other people’s creations and ideas. I’m like a leech, I guess.

I’m not sure how most internet-based collabs work, especially between producers. I usually work with musicians (recording samples) and other producers/DJs live and in the flesh. But seeing as I’m moving, I won’t have a collective of people to work with in person. We’ll have to discuss more details about the “how” part.

How about it?