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a survey on ccMixter_the benefits of open sharing and collaboration

permalink   Tue, Oct 5, 2010 @ 3:20 AM
Dear ccMixters,
I am Rong, who invited you guys to a survey in July. Based on some feedback collected here, Dr. Cheliotis and I managed to update our survey questionnaire, which is totally anonymous now. At the same time, in order to get the social network data we need for our research project and make the whole survey more in-depth, several new items are added in this version, which make the survey a bit longer but still manageable (and more interesting in some way). Here is the new link:

Just in case that some of you haven’t read the previous posting, here is some information about our project on free culture and open sharing. I am a graduate student from the Communications and New Media Programme at National University of Singapore. This project I am working with my advisor Dr. Cheliotis focuses on online communities that are passionate about music production. It aims to examine how people collaborate online, why they are willing to make contributions, and what benefits they derive from their participation and from interacting with peers in the community.

As a respected online music production community and a prominent early adopter of CC licenses, ccMixter makes a perfect exemplar for us to do the case study. This survey has several sessions, such as your use intensity of ccMixter, motives for your participation, social benefits you are gaining here, how you perceive your relationship with other members, factors influencing remixing and being remixed, and lastly how you perceive your own efficacy and the community’s efficacy in terms of producing music.

Please take a look at detailed questions in the survey. If you are interested, could you please kindly assist us to finish the survey? You just need to give the true answers based on your own experience. It will take about 15 to 20 minutes (or even less, depending on your answers). All the information you provide will be kept confidential and will only be used for academic research. Your cooperation is of great significance to us and we will make the anonymized, aggregate results of our research public and share them with you after the analysis. Really looking forward to your kind cooperation and accommodation of our study. Thank you so much!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, @ I would really appreciate your suggestions about this project.


For the ccMixters who have participated in the previous survey in July, I really appreciate your help with completing the questions and all your feedback. It helped us a lot with making improvements on this project. I just created a separate version that only contains new questions. So if you have filled out the old version of the survey and also haven’t taken the new version yet, you can click this link: So you don’t have to retake the entire new survey. Do let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for reading. Hope the survey is interesting to you guys. Do check the link out! :)

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permalink   laurawr Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 1:21 AM
Thanks for the help with both versions. :)

Quote: colabHappy to help.

Just one note re: the mention of “contests” in Q20 and 21 - ccmixter very rarely has contests, because nobody ever wins. :)
What we do have are special events (secret mixter, white cube, freedom to remix, …) that invite people to submit work - so it’s a slightly different thing.

Good survey. I think you made some excellent changes. Glad you stuck with it, and hope you get great participation.
Abstract Audio
permalink   Tue, Oct 5, 2010 @ 10:08 AM
Finished the test. Some interesting questions curious about the results, will they be published?
Would like to see the combined results of the community, If that’s possible.
permalink   laurawr Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 1:21 AM
After the survey is finished, we will do the data analysis, and will share our findings here. I am also looking forward to getting some interesting results. :)

Quote: Abstract AudioFinished the test. Some interesting questions curious about the results, will they be published?
Would like to see the combined results of the community, If that’s possible.
permalink   Tue, Oct 5, 2010 @ 11:04 AM
I just took the survey again. I look forward to learning about the results and hope you will get the support you need to further your study.
permalink   laurawr Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 1:29 AM
Thanks Snowflake, for your support all the time. I really appreciate it! I am also excited about how it goes and cannot wait to see the results. Will post our findings when the analysis is completed, and share with ccMixters.

Quote: snowflakeI just took the survey again. I look forward to learning about the results and hope you will get the support you need to further your study.
permalink   Tue, Oct 5, 2010 @ 12:19 PM
Many thanks for modifying the survey, Rong! I appreciate it very much. I hope you will get lots of interesting results for your study!
permalink   laurawr Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 1:31 AM
Thank you so much, spinmeister. The previous discussion and feedbacks really helped this project a lot. :)

Quote: spinmeisterMany thanks for modifying the survey, Rong! I appreciate it very much. I hope you will get lots of interesting results for your study!
Ivan Chew
permalink   Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 5:11 AM
Hi Rong,
I’ve retaken the survey. BTW, you’re probably not going to modify your survey (probably shouldn’t at this stage) but I thought I could share a comment about the questions re: “contest”.

I’ve treated the term “contest” as “community events” or “games”, like the regular Secret Mixter. The alternative was to tick “neutral” for all the questions, which may not give you the accurate data that your research hopes to gather. So maybe in your final analysis, you might want to take into consideration that ccMixter doesn’t do contests (none that I know of since I joined in late 2006).

permalink   laurawr Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 5:21 AM
Thanks Ivan. This is a really good point. Colab also mentioned this. Will take it into the data analysis. :) I agree that events organized by the community makes more sense when answering these questions. Thank you for this comment. :)

Quote: Ivan ChewHi Rong,
I’ve retaken the survey. BTW, you’re probably not going to modify your survey (probably shouldn’t at this stage) but I thought I could share a comment about the questions re: “contest”.

I’ve treated the term “contest” as “community events” or “games”, like the regular Secret Mixter. The alternative was to tick “neutral” for all the questions, which may not give you the accurate data that your research hopes to gather. So maybe in your final analysis, you might want to take into consideration that ccMixter doesn’t do contests (none that I know of since I joined in late 2006).

permalink   Abstract Audio Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 9:26 AM
Quote: Ivan Chew
I’ve treated the term “contest” as “community events” or “games”, like the regular Secret Mixter.

Same way I answerd the questions
permalink   Snowflake Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 9:57 AM
I also treated the term ‘contest’ the same way. At ccM, we don’t hold contests per se, not our style. We hold ‘events’ — we believe music isn’t about competition, but collaboration. :)
permalink   Admiral Bob Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 11:20 AM
Me too. I just read that as events. If there were competitions, I probably wouldn’t participate. I’d volunteer MC Jack for the job instead. He’d know what to do. :)
permalink   spinmeister Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 11:53 AM
there are so many remix competitions going on out there, it has become a relatively unique distinction for ccM not to have them for the time being. :-)
permalink   Abstract Audio Thu, Oct 7, 2010 @ 2:02 AM
Every day I hope to see the sign-up on top off the page :-)
permalink   giorgos Thu, Nov 4, 2010 @ 10:27 PM
I’ve been reading the comments on contests with interest - thanks to all who pitched in.

Rong included these because it’s a topic that has interested her and me for a long time now… many online communities, including ccmixter in the past, have organized remix contests and there are pros and cons to them. It’s interesting to note how you feel about contests and it’s very helpful to know how you interpreted the questions, so that we may interpret your responses correctly.
permalink   Wed, Oct 6, 2010 @ 1:29 PM
Took the test. As stated previously on this thread, “contest” section is not representative of the site.
permalink   Thu, Oct 21, 2010 @ 7:16 AM
Update from surveymonkey, so far is has collected 34 responses. Thank you all. Really look forward to getting more reponses. :)

permalink   Sun, Oct 31, 2010 @ 10:44 PM
We thought for these ccMixters who filled out the old version of the survey, it is much better for them if they don’t have to fill out the entire new survey, as there is much overlap between the two.

So, we created a version that contains only the new questions. By filling that out, it should make things much easier and faster. Please see the update on my original post or just click here if you filled out the first version of the survey but didn’t fill out the new one yet: