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Going in to do some more extemporaneous drum tracks soon....

permalink   Sun, Jul 26, 2009 @ 9:15 PM
Aug. 9-10 I will be recording an album for a local artist. So, I’ll be laying down my own tracks as well.

I’m taking requests. Tell me what kind of feel you want, BPM, etc.
permalink   Sun, Jul 26, 2009 @ 11:51 PM
you know, I meant to tell you that your journeymen proejct was just fantastic and inspiring - it’s a blast having your contributions here and seeing the results.

Meanwhile, looking at the distribution of a cappellas (that are marked with BPMs):

bpm_060_065 - count: 29
bpm_065_070 - count: 21
bpm_070_075 - count: 34
bpm_075_080 - count: 34
bpm_080_085 - count: 71
bpm_085_090 - count: 71
bpm_090_095 - count: 125
bpm_095_100 - count: 82
bpm_100_105 - count: 88
bpm_105_110 - count: 40
bpm_110_115 - count: 52
bpm_115_120 - count: 34
bpm_120_125 - count: 111
bpm_125_130 - count: 26
bpm_130_135 - count: 36
bpm_135_140 - count: 22

It’s clear there’s a pretty big hump between 90-105, esp. around 90ish with another spike at 120.

Those are the BPM’s we’re most interested in ;)
John Pazdan
permalink   Mon, Jul 27, 2009 @ 7:24 AM
Quote: BillRayDrums
I’m taking requests. Tell me what kind of feel you want, BPM, etc.

Some loops where the feel falls in the cracks between straight and swung time. In 12/8 please.

and lottza Hot! House!! Beatzz! of course.
permalink   Fri, Oct 30, 2009 @ 2:57 PM
Anything jazzy, different, using weird time signatures, and lots of fills.