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ccMixter Music Channel Now Available on iTunes

permalink   Mon, Jul 13, 2009 @ 12:28 PM
After several false starts the ccMixter Music Channel featuring MC Jack in the Box’s “Cool Music Show” and sackjo22’s “Mixin Kitchen” (and perhaps your show?) are now available directly from the iTunes store.

If you already have iTunes installed on your computer, you can go directly to the show by clicking here or by searching the store for “ccmixter” (no space).

Click on the ‘Subscribe’ button to keep up to date with the latest shows.

If you’ve also got an iPhone, once you’ve downloaded a few episodes you keep the phone in sync by selecting ‘podcasts’ from sync screen.

You can also get to the podcast directly from the iPhone:

- Select the iTunes app
- Select the ‘Search’ icon at the bottom
- Type in ‘ccmixter’
- Select the ‘ccMixter Music Channel’

You should get to a screen that looks something the image on the right…

Thanks for all the great helps and support and of course, to the musicians who we are very happy and proud to showcase.

This particular action marks kind of benchmark for ccMixter: it is the first time we have “officially” promoted the music on the site through a distribution channel other than the CC network. So far, all promotions we’ve ever done have been through CC properties and word of mouth (like the fact that 1 in 10 uploads end up in 3rd party podcasts and videos on YouTube, vimeo, etc.)

It’s obviously exciting and it will be very interesting to see how things unfold as we venture out into the world.


MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Mon, Jul 13, 2009 @ 5:11 PM
thanks fourstones, for all the behind the scenes work you’ve been putting into this, and also for your ongoing words of encouragement for the CM show.

it’s pretty gratifying to see something that you’ve worked hard on for over a year get validated.

and of course, thanks to all the artists that contribute, from remixes to pellas to samples to reviews to trackbacks, it’s all a collective effort, and a good one at that. without these contributions, there would be no show.
permalink   Mon, Jul 13, 2009 @ 6:02 PM
As MC Jack said, thanks! And I agree this is both exciting and interesting!
permalink   Wed, Jul 15, 2009 @ 12:28 AM
Well done Victor for persuing this and getting CCM recognised on what is arguably the biggest music stage in the world.
permalink   Thu, Jul 16, 2009 @ 11:15 PM
Well done guys. The world needs to know about this site. Whether your a listener or a mixter, something here for everyone!
permalink   Fri, Feb 12, 2010 @ 11:30 AM
I am not having success finding any of the ccmixter podcasts on iTunes. I’m searching for “ccmixter music” in iTunes as recommended, but nothing’s coming up.

Any advice? I want my cool music show!!!

permalink   aliteralmind Fri, Feb 12, 2010 @ 8:09 PM
Okay, I can find it via my desktop in iTunes, but not on my Touch.

permalink   victor Sat, Feb 13, 2010 @ 11:40 AM
Apple stopped broadcasting our podcast with no warning and no reason. I’ve resubmitted the channel and it looks like non-US iTunes is carrying it but in the US

Alternative means of subscribing is here.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Feb 22, 2010 @ 9:17 AM
we’ve had a bit of back and forth with iTunes and the podcast channel. thus far, have been unable to receive any information as to why. we’ve reapplied and reappeared for a period but were then removed again for no specific, reported reason (at least available to us). still looking into it.
permalink   spinningmerkaba Mon, Feb 22, 2010 @ 12:16 PM
I’m thinking iTunes pulled our feed due to NSFW content that was not properly tagged ‘explicit’…still checking


This tag should be used to indicate whether or not your podcast contains explicit material. The three values for this tag are “yes”, “no”, and “clean”.

If you populate this tag with “yes”, an “explicit” parental advisory graphic will appear next to your podcast artwork on the iTunes Store, and in the Name column in iTunes. If the value is “clean”, the parental advisory type is considered Clean, meaning that no explicit language or adult content is included anywhere in the episodes, and a “clean” graphic will appear. If the explicit tag is present and has any other value (e.g. “no”) you see no indicator — blank is the default advisory type.

Because I’m on ubuntu, I have no access to itunes, which makes this a bit more difficult for me to troubleshoot—emily, alex and derek are working on it now.