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plug your blog

permalink   Sun, Feb 8, 2009 @ 11:05 PM
As a few of you know, I have a blog, where I publish the occasional interview and point to what I think are interesting news nuggets around remixing and creative commons, usually with a helping of my own current take on those items.

In that context I would like to feature and link to more other blogs of fellow ccMixter types (in addition to the 3 that are on the top right hand side of my blog already). Specifically I’d be interested in who else has a blog that deals to a good degree with items around music, remixing, creative commons, etc. In other words with the kind of topics that we also discuss here in the ccM forums.

I would prefer blogs that get a new entry at least two or more times a month. So if you have a blog, that roughly fits that criteria, why don’t you respond in this thread? It may just get you a few extra readers :-)


John Pazdan
permalink   Mon, Feb 9, 2009 @ 5:48 AM
my blog has been linked off the main blog quick links here for a while. It deals with music, as well as the big picture of Art and politics/culture too. It has free to dl music; some things from ccM, and more from my original compositions, as I do a lot of work as a musician who provides original content as the kiddies say. None of it is for sale, it’s all free, as in love, baby. No “checks out my hot new house mitz/buy my crap” going on iow. Stop by, register (which I have as precaution; it was severely crippled last year by bored agains), and join in the mess.

Especially recommended if you like 1) Chicago stylee’ 2) left stylee’ 3)CC 4) bar-b-que
permalink   spinmeister Mon, Feb 9, 2009 @ 11:08 AM
thanks JP! However, I’m afraid they started charging for love again after the 1960s. At least if you’re the Governor of NY. :-)

And I do like bar-b-que, as well as being a Dr. T’s sequencer alumni - so your blog is now linked on mine.
permalink   John Pazdan Mon, Feb 9, 2009 @ 2:00 PM
U welcome baby, likewise link love to you too sir..and always remember..never a charge for love and good vibes at my Dog and Pony Palace O’ Fun, where The Fahnk is good, and the opinions are left. …and no commercials either.

I have started a separate link category for ccMixter Hoodlums, and will be shilling away..feel free to suggest your own badself boys and cowgrrls, you have nothing to lose, and many readers scamming for free music in the Ukraine to gain.
permalink   spinmeister Mon, Feb 9, 2009 @ 2:08 PM
thanks kindly Sir John! Your free link love is much appreciated! I’m gonna have to cruise a bit deeper into your blog as well. Liked what I saw on my first quick trip very much!
permalink   Wed, Feb 11, 2009 @ 9:13 AM
Sure thing, here’s mine:


I bit wider ranging perhaps but does touch on the topics.
