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Welcome Duckett!

John Pazdan
permalink   Mon, Nov 24, 2008 @ 5:17 AM
…to the land of disenchantment, Richie Daly, the $9 beer (but not when you hang with us) and really good music if you know where to look, Sweet Home, Chicago.

So now we gots Kaer, the Big D and me.. anybody else hiding here we doesn’t know about?
MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Mon, Nov 24, 2008 @ 10:34 AM
steve bartman, but you probably know about him. :)
permalink   John Pazdan Mon, Nov 24, 2008 @ 11:04 AM
as a life long south side (home of our new president sniff sniff…) SOX fan, yes Meestar Jacks in z Box, I certainly is often suggested that I , Meestar Pazdan, had..something to do..with..a certain .. there a search thing here at the Mighty ccM that I missed to find people by baseball team alle, I mean geographical..stuff?Quote: MC Jack in the Boxsteve bartman, but you probably know about him. :)
permalink   Mon, Nov 24, 2008 @ 12:13 PM
Although I’ve never been there, it sounds like my kind of town Chicago is. : )
permalink   Mon, Nov 24, 2008 @ 8:36 PM
What else can I say but “Thanks so much!”? I truly will bless the day I stumbled across the treasure-trove of warmth, creativity and intelligence that I’ve found at ccMixter… JP (and most extra especially KT)- “Sweet Home Chicago” indeed ;-)