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The Future of ccM

permalink   Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 1:05 AM
Attention registered users:

By now you should have received an email from the Chairman of CC Prof. Lessig. regarding the future of ccMixter. If for some reason you didn’t get it you can read it here with even more commentary.

You can comment there or continue the public discussion here at this forum, but the official place to put your feedback to make sure that Prof. Lessig sees the responses is to fill out this survey.

permalink   Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 9:22 AM
To be honest I was struggling with the key survey question “If is transferred to a commercial entity, I would (choose one)”.

My reaction has very little to do with a commercial entity as such, but a lot to do with who the commercial entity is (track record, leadership, business plan).

But the survey doesn’t allow for an “other” answer or a non-answer to that question.
permalink   victor Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 9:28 AM
I know. It’s hard to have a conversation with checkboxes, but I gather “Wait & see how the new owner treats the site and community” was close (?)
permalink   spinmeister Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 9:49 AM
Quote: fourstonesI know. It’s hard to have a conversation with checkboxes, but I gather “Wait & see how the new owner treats the site and community” was close (?)

unfortunately not quite - because with the right kind of commercial entity (one’s that aren’t evil to artists and customers), my attitude would not be “wait and see”, but wholehearted support, and with the wrong kind of commercial entity (e.g. the entity backing a certain planet), I would run like hell :-)

For me this has nothing to do with commercial vs. non-commercial, but everything to do with who the commercial player is. So answering that survey question creates an entirely wrong data point, because I can’t even not answer the question.

In other words commercial vs. non-commercial is overrated as a fork in the road. The real fork in the road is the attitude and game plan of the commercial entity.

So for me the survey misses the key dimension and makes an irrelevant dimension the centerpiece.

I’m ok with answering in the forums or on, but I just wanted to let you know, that (maybe only for me?), the survey has a bit of a killer flaw, and at the very least I’m hoping that it will not be over-interpreted compared to the comments in the other places.

Your opening comment in this thread made me worry, that the forum discussion and the discussion on Prof. Lessig’s blog are less likely to be seen and evaluated. I think (imho) that would be too bad and be missing out on the arguably higher quality feedback.
permalink   victor Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 9:55 AM
gotcha. I’ll make sure all the relevant threads are tossed into the mix when I pass the data along. I guess I was partially reacting to the fact that when we sent out the mail we got a few thousand “bounces” and mixed into that were actual email responses - THOSE are gone to the wind.

over-interpret?? NEVER! ;)
permalink   spinmeister Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 10:45 AM
hehe! :-)

Thanks for understanding!
permalink   Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 11:06 AM
I hate checkboxes too, but I figured that’s what the lil’ textbox was for- of course I’m going to “wait and see” in the sense of not being an instant cheerleader, but I also plan on using the site as I always have… (which could be described as “binging”, I’ll have a flurry of reviews/downloads/uploads/forum posts (like this one), then I fade off for a coupla weeks) ;)
MAKKROSS (soulSIDIOUS & Clarance Boddyker)
permalink   Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 4:59 PM
Hey 4Stones, I might be doing something wrong, but I follow the link for the survey that you and Lessig provide and I keep getting the CC Mixter Homepage? I really want to fill this thing out but I can’t seem to find it.



Nevermind dude, it finally came through. I kept being redirected to the homepage but I got it this time.

permalink   victor Mon, Nov 19, 2007 @ 5:08 PM
you’re currently logged in as makkross account and someone at that account has already filled it out.


Never mind ;)