Branching Out Secret Mixter Remixes!

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Viewing 36 - 48 of 62 matches total
...oyd in 1969, i then decided in the end of 70' to also buy myself musical equipements to create my own musics. my influence are from
...ttons and the knobs decided to begin release some of their work produced in his home studio entering into direct contact with the po
...s up them!! i have decided to make party dnb. with it(this) to me has helped(assisted) dj 4ex which was the resident of the best cl
wiredtangent wiredtangent a few years back, a guy by the name of chris finally got his stuff together, and decided that he was gonna make... myke decided to do original stuff and so he created evo evolver, a musical project that concentrates on musical exper
...fter his release he decided to move to athens ga to be with his family and start a new chapter in his life. although things weren't
...g to read music, he decided to teach himself how to play the piano which he is none for. wendell attending dunbar senior high schoo
sbinfluence sbinfluence sb influence is the brainchild of sudev bangah, whom after playing in several bands decided to take the route sol...
...intage sound. i've decided to release the more successful of these experiments to creative commons, so have at them. i would d
... jacksonville, then decided to start writing my own music instead of playing everyone else's. the music on this site spans from 1
... clarance boddyker, decided to form a group after meeting online on the remixer/musician community website, cc mixter. soulsidio
... million copies. he decided to give up his stethoscope and pick up his guitar. is was after leaving vital signs in 1990 that he foun
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