Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress

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Viewing 0 - 12 of 85 matches total
...ed the principle of creative commons -- all of my albums are by-nc-sa -- but one day thought about the practical difficulty of anyon
cc with new remix hi. i uploaded 2 remxies and it automaticly added the cc logo now i ...
host your own ccmixter... ccmixter runs on a creative commons sponsored award winning open source project called [url=http://wiki.creativ...
new netlabel creative commons release: collusion would you enjoy hearing a bit more halloween, secretmixter-type collaboration and days o...
new ep - safer i went ahead and made yet another disc of material, freely available under the wonderful creative commons attribution 3.0 ...
...ed with ccmixter or creative commons. it is run and maintained [i]privately[/i] by porchcat. [u]please[/u] do not harass the ccmixte
...efaults to
... of it terms of the creative commons license. i hope i'm asking the right question but if not, could someone enlighten me?!? thank
dirtybird rexx - a netlabel hiya folks, if you still haven't heard about us, we are a netlabel presenting free creative commons -licen...
searching for singer + remixer ! salut ! i am searching for the following song a singer (m/f) who wants to be creative and add the voc...
...r help[/url] at the creative commons community discussion board. i received [url=
... some music under a creative commons license (attribution or attribution-sharealike only)? the music we need replacement for is:
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