Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 984 - 996 of 1308 matches total
..., unfortunately too short :-(
review of 'i used to sing in the shower' by 'loveshadow' brilliant. truly one of your best but oh so short. you could go with a violin...
...s great, but is too short, i want more tabi tabi poooo! any idea of what does tabi po means?
...ction of some full, short chords (with a delay) played along with the arpeggiation. maybe this could begin somewhere in the middle
review of 'the turn off' by 'duckett' yes, it's short, but once again evocative, and sure to lodge firmly in the mind. don't be surprise...]is this(adults only please)[/url]. so, it's still may, we should have a contest to create a
...usness or a a wave particle expanding or contracting, though uncertain as to where it will finally congeal into matter - a la "strin
... 70's sesame street shorts- superficially simple, yet helping to tell a story, and somehow satisfying; not trying to make you feel t is; it's too short, [b]it's too short, it's too short[/b]!!! george, your music has always been very muscular and powerf
...dic progression. in short, to me there's some real nice ideas here, but it just feels not-quite-finished. just my $0.02
review of 'white rock lake' by 'thejoe' i do agree with colab for the idea to shorten the harp, but otherwise i really like what you have...
review of 'dreamers choise (short mix)' by 'vidian' george, i'm very jealous. jealous bad way. i loath your musical skill and your deadly...
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