Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 72 - 84 of 508 matches total
change i gladly accepted the idea of the guitar. maybe a little unusual for trap ... it is in bb major. ,media,remix,bpm_070_075,samp...
...than ever ... as usual we are refining our process of finishing and polishing dormant tracks. this one here is no exception. eve
...n in am without the usual victimization or torture used to coax vocals into the mix de jour. decided to comeback to the vocal after
... fun addition to my usual way too serious, opinionated content ;) anyway, crank it if you dare and i guarantee we shall come out
...ack complied to our usual plan: take an old, unfinished "starter-track" and plug in some vocals which are surely not in the same key
you do you, mana junkie for this secret mixter i drew mana junkie. i usually look for a piece of work i feel has been overlooked in the a...
...of the apoxode beat packages eq'ed and slowed them down to 105bpm. after listening to tons of apoxode music i knew - vinyl and nois
...ord was cut and the package tied with a knot a forget-me-not[/i] ,acappella,media,non_commercial,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,vbr,male_voca
... coruscate 's ninja package. ,media,remix,bpm_065_070,sampling_plus,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,vbr,meditation,ninja,ethereal,cello,spoken_
...the smooth flow. as usual this was all not planned, this track just happened along the way. [url=
endurance i took a slightly different approach than usual for this secret mixter when i drew gurdonark. i knew this match was going t...
what are you conserving kara square's uke, marimba and whistling (big thanks for sharing). my usual complaintive musings. i wonde...
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