Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » 7OOP3D » "Pyramid"


uploaded: Fri, Mar 8, 2019 @ 7:01 AM last modified: Fri, Mar 8, 2019 @ 7:05 AM  (add)
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This is another example of a 7OOP3D track which came together by good fortune and a pinch of dourness in that things must fit, no matter the effort.

It all started with a tiny synth bass line research project and drum grooves programmed on top in our laboratories. It was one of those projects, which had a good chance of being forgotten, even of being created at all, like many of them.

The skeleton began to walk though when we cobbled the first chords and harmonic sound parts together. With this first instrumental sketch we called it a day.

After another iteration of adding some bells and whistles we got very tired and wanted to have vocals in it. Without vocals, all is nothing, usually… Seek and download…

So, dear Mr. Yesterday, we did what we had to do with your genuinely brilliant sung gem of a song! Doctor, glove up - there is a patient waiting for vocal surgery. Stuff him in that track, make it quick. There is a deadline.

We think the results are working quite well, despite of some slightly audible glitches once in a while, postoperative complications if you will, sorry about that.

Lately we’ve been obsessed of using a harmonic minor scale (this time in the key of F). You can do odd and strange things with it - not just latin flavoured songs. Even more fun is borrowing a note from its parallel major scale. Yeah, freaks…

Hands dirty, but it was real fun and pleasure doing this track. We were surprised by ourselves with the result.

With luv from Hamburg

Contents of ZIP Archive: Stems-01

  • /03 - Pyramid - DRUM Main GASE.flac (9.80MB)
  • /04 - Pyramid - DRUM Main Kick.flac (3.06MB)
  • /05 - Pyramid - DRUM DX7 Loop.flac (7.28MB)
  • /08 - Pyramid - BASS Bark RL.flac (4.79MB)
  • /09 - Pyramid - BASS Conepusher (Kombinated).flac (2.39MB)
  • /10 - Pyramid - BASS Conepusher.flac (2.57MB)
  • /12 - Pyramid - LEAD Cross Saw RL.flac (2.61MB)
  • /13 - Pyramid - LEAD Twin Voice PIG.flac (2.03MB)
  • /14 - Pyramid - PAD A&Ω Silk PS.flac (5.31MB)
  • /15 - Pyramid - STRINGS Lush.flac (4.92MB)
  • /17 - Pyramid - STRINGS A1.flac (6.04MB)

Contents of ZIP Archive: Stems-02

  • /19 - Pyramid - ARP DX7 Pl”cker.flac (1.74MB)
  • /20 - Pyramid - ARP Barbarian Steady.flac (2.01MB)
  • /21 - Pyramid - PIANO Eagle Ascension.flac (5.68MB)
  • /22 - Pyramid - PIANO FX 1.flac (2.72MB)
  • /23 - Pyramid - PIANO FX 2.flac (2.24MB)
  • /25 - Pyramid - GUITAR Geg”ngel.flac (1.63MB)
  • /26 - Pyramid - LEAD Honoria.flac (1.90MB)
  • /27 - Pyramid - FX Howler.flac (620.86KB)
  • /28 - Pyramid - FX SuckNoise.flac (113.50KB)

by 7OOP3D

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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