Please Don't Drive Stupid
uploaded: Wed, May 1, 2019 @ 3:34 AM
I’ve been driving more than usual lately. So naturally I have some complaints.
Big thanks once again to unreal_dm for providing a great backing track. Also, from 84645__cmusounddesign__res-traffic 98538__recordinghopkins__motorcycle-1 174840__jakobthiesen__mitsubishi-imiev-electric-car-horn-long 182474__keweldog__car-horn 221670__tontoepfer__ich-koennt-kotzen 337956__fschaeffer__77carhorn 347669__gmetaxas__sound-road-no-effect The words: When the light turns green and you want to turn left Here’s a rule that’s written for you Left turns yield to oncoming traffic That horn that you hear is me saying fuck you That little lever on the left is a turn indicator Use it to let me know what your gonna do If you wait to turn it on until you’re already turning you increase the chances that I’ll run you through Why do you speed up in the truck lane in order that I won’t pass you Then when it’s over and you have to merge left you slow down to forty two Realize I’m a person and not just a car Would you do that to my face The way that you act on the concrete and tar Says quite a lot about the person you are Tailgating isn’t gonna make me faster if the car in front of me is driving slow Try not to be such a pushy bastard We all want to get to where we’re trying to go If it’s a dark rainy day please turn your lights on It isn’t about you being able to see You increase everybody’s safety when you make yourself more visible to me A busy road is not the place to jog or walk your dog There are lots of trails and parks more fit for fun How many distracted drivers does it take to kill a baby in a stroller The answer my friend is one These are just a few tips for the careless among you There seems to be quite a few You’re probably offended but it’s very important to be very attentive to what you do Your transmission is the only thing that should be automatic Keep your eyes on the road and your hands at ten and two Stay off of your phone, it can wait ‘til you get home Where your family or your friends are counting on you Please don’t drive stupid, I’d like to get home safely Please don’t drive stupid, maybe there’s someone who would like you to too The Mixversation
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"Please Don't Drive Stupid"
by Speck 2019 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |