Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 4320 - 4332 of 4532 matches total
12 string acoustic guitar flagolet chords this is a yamaha fg 512 12 string played flagolet in 7th and 12th fret sample,media,bpm_120_125...
k4 chord pattern a bell like k4 tone called "faountain" played arpeggio sample,media,bpm_110_115,kawai,kawai_k4,synthesizer,attribution,a...
bring back stereo muzicv2 my debut as piano and organ player. more on it later whatta great community this is! [red]remastered version...
... much good stuff to play with here now too! thanks taboca and kcentric. ashwan media,remix,bpm_105_110,drums,funky,instrumental,lo
...i ever learn how to play this thing, i'll post a sequel.. sample,media,bpm_100_105,harmonica,instrumental,attribution,audio,mp3,44k,
...his song without zikweb's wonderful beats, titled "gurdon light" is located at:
muzick (a capella) a song idea i was playing with. no more vid shows 4 awhile (lol) acappella,media,bpm_105_110,featured,trackback,in_...
ophelias symphony heard the lyrics and all i could think about was a bond movie. ,media,remix,editorial_pick,trackback,in_web,in_video,in...
ophelia the a cappella track is not only incredibly well done, it's just soooo sexy. i really wanted to play that aspect up by slowing it...
natta-abunantischmix ...took tapsaâīs remix, edited it a little and played along live drums ...have fun.. media,remix,bpm_120_125,drums,f...
...or clarity. bass is played with my guitar and octave pedal emulation. again no editing, just hint of eq. guitars complement vocal fl
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