Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 2892 - 2904 of 3132 matches total
...ealrhodessounds via freesound. [small]*headphone(only)mastered. i messed with kcentric's voice for a radio-tuning effect. also p
shadow of the london bridge i try to be more lively....... mixter is cool place but with freesound is sub zero ;-) gold mine of samples.....
... i didn't find good free samples.. after that on the freesound site i found very good sax samples.. simondsouza plays very well.. it
yage...mix by dj refugee work with live litte,eurodesk mix pult,vst,free semples and loops...ingen mastering media,remix,bpm_120_125,,non...
wasabi [sample pack] just a funny little song about wasabi... feel free to do whatever you want to or with it. god bless, !w sample,m...
free jam guitars (ready looped) gtr1 danelectro daddy'o dist pedal low dist setting, in front of vox tonelab in fender tweed emulation. ...
freejam with mixxim this was as base track in diagnonsense. this has no musical value, unless somebody finds some golden split seconds fo...
diagnonsense played bluesy free jam with mixxims eat-drum sample. tossed it to live destroyed everything with beat repeat. hotelroom head...
nebulous advice i used the [url=]rock drum kit[/url] sample pack from [b]ltibbits[...
waiting this time i tried to mess up with electro beats and acoustic instruments from freesound. simple and cool.... media,remix,bpm_140_...
... a rough mix. feel free to use the bed (or loops from it) or not. thanks for listening..... .. . update: lyrics as requested
the road less traveled using more good stuff from freesound as well as two of my favorite free synths, crystal and triangle media,remix,t...
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