Deep Roots Remix Event

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Viewing 1380 - 1392 of 1675 matches total
... threatened to evicerate loveshadow if he didn't make me a radio promo, so there. media,remix,bpm_140_145,coolmusic,non_commercial,a
disgruntled zygote chilled, ambient soundbed for anchor mã©jans singing random generated text. used as soundtrack in experimental video ...
...o confuse and exasperate but everyone loves anyway, because they are the ones who keep our lives from getting boring, and i thi
...). uploaded the separate tracks. ,sample,media,bpm_100_105,trackback,in_video,attribution,audio,mp3,44k,stereo,cbr,mono,acoustic,amb
deflated, broken, improvising, and bugging out drew alex in the mix - needless to say, i was quite intimidated, since i've always enjoyed...
deflated & alone (acoustic) that was a hard guitar playing job! ,media,remix,how_i_did_it,trackback,in_video,in_podcast,attribution,audio...
...was written in is b-flat-minor. not that you have to use that key, but i know there is some talky singing and it can make it hard t
wont you stop (playing with my heart just cause your hot) the surf today is like one big washing machine; more chop than a karate class a...
...e i started to go g rated and stopped singing about death, alcohol, rappers testicles, stalkers and underpants. (for the moment any
gros bon ange i went ahead and separated the verse and the chorus, the single track vocals are still available in mp3. sorry for the maj...
bits and pieces an open, airy, free beat intro leading into a more structured idm track which completely disintegrates at the end sample,...
alone & deflated my little attempt at this great pella. tried to create an ulrich schnauss influenced piece. thanks for stopping by! ...
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