Deep Roots Remix Event

Reviews for "Hard Headed Woman Boogie"

Hard Headed Woman Boogie
by Zep Hurme
Recommends (14)
Tue, Oct 4, 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:

permalink   Tue, Oct 4, 2011 @ 11:23 AM
this one ain’t for kids as it may convince them to start drinkin’. as for me, i’m an adult so pass that damn thang whatever it is.
permalink   Zep Hurme Tue, Oct 4, 2011 @ 11:49 AM
Thanks, Panu … and there you go, battery acid. Have a sip.
permalink   panu Tue, Oct 4, 2011 @ 11:59 AM
naw, i got some, thanks.
permalink   Tue, Oct 4, 2011 @ 12:28 PM
Brill production as usual. Do you have any bad genres?
permalink   Zep Hurme Wed, Oct 5, 2011 @ 8:14 AM
Thanks Timbster! I do. All of them. ;)
permalink   Tue, Oct 4, 2011 @ 1:13 PM
Hey Zep this is a great fun and it remind me something ,i am going to make it.see you soon,
permalink   CSoul Tue, Oct 4, 2011 @ 2:28 PM
it’s ready and uploaded , thanks my friend for your inspiration.
permalink   Zep Hurme Wed, Oct 5, 2011 @ 8:15 AM
Thanks CSoulster. Peace to you also.
permalink   Tue, Oct 4, 2011 @ 6:21 PM
I seen you recommended this and I was hoping for a Zep remix lol. Awesome backing track for this :) and superb production, I must say. Thanks so much for the remix.

Doug’s vocal was just about as pitch perfect as anyone i worked with. I put it up unaltered.
permalink   Zep Hurme Wed, Oct 5, 2011 @ 8:25 AM
Thank you for sharing the great vox. I would’t dream to touch the pitch. It sounded exceptional. Just moved couple of passages some milliseconds to nail the groove of the rhythm section.