RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "What If (experimental improvisation 12,14,2023)"

What If (experimental improvi...
by Speck
Recommends (5)
Tue, Feb 27, 2024 @ 3:41 AM
permalink   Tue, Feb 27, 2024 @ 11:00 AM
… Oh man, buckling up for this ride, you *immediately* hooked me with the glide, got me thinking about the 60s.
(Where’s Ken Nordine, he missed his cue :)
Instrumentation is fabulous, richly spread.
lol, “no commercial potential” you are *too* modest, I’ve heard lesser versions of this in OSTs, you underestimate the power of this type of music.
Fantastic modulation throughout, leaves me longing for more :)

Ps. Have you ever listned to Pere Ubu? This has his 80s post-punk feel to it … link to Art of Walking (jic)
permalink   Speck Tue, Feb 27, 2024 @ 1:30 PM
Thank you so much. I appreciate your appreciation. Truly.

no commercial potential
That was the name of the midnight-to-whenever-the-morning-news-came-on radio show that I immersed myself in in my late teens/early twenties. Well, actually it was more like midnight to whenever I fell asleep. So it was probably rerouting my neural pathways as I slept. Pretty sure I owe this (whatever this is) to that.

too modest
Yeah well - sometimes I listen to it and think/feel ‘this is f’n genius’. Other times I think/feel ‘this is utter shit’. Kinda like when I visit any Museum Of Contemporary/Modern Art. (Is piling a bunch of boxes up in the corner really art?)

longing for more
Oh good, I’ve got eight more Tuesday’s worth.

And thanks for the Pere Ubu link. Was not familiar, will revisit.
permalink   Wed, Feb 28, 2024 @ 5:36 AM
Genius sparks like stars,
Yet sometimes, creation’s utter shit
Speck’s wild dichotomy

Put me down in the non-shit column.
This is freakin’ brilliant!