
Reviews for "Sunrise [Scattered Electrons Mix]"

Sunrise [Scattered Electrons ...
by Scott Altham
Recommends (7)
Tue, Oct 7, 2008 @ 9:31 AM

Uses samples from:

Johnny SockHead
permalink   Tue, Oct 7, 2008 @ 7:02 PM
Beautiful pop voice and mix!
permalink   Tue, Oct 7, 2008 @ 7:27 PM
Musically top-notch as most of your remixes

Aside from that, the vocal sync does not seem to work for me; and it does not sound like “electro-clash” — or maybe I have a different concept of “electro-clash” :P
I feel it more on the “synth-pop” side.
Those are subjective comments, of course :)
permalink   Scott Altham Thu, Dec 4, 2008 @ 1:03 PM
Hey There,

Yeah you’re not the only one who has this issue… I think maybe with the vox being half speed, it sounds a bit odd in parts…

Cheers for the FBACK!

(ps - you’re right about the electroclash… its more synth pop. Electroclash is more robots in disguise and chicks on speed… will have to knock out a track thats that electro punk if someone puts the vox up!)
permalink   Wed, Oct 8, 2008 @ 6:28 AM
As a great admirer of your work I must be honest that whilst the backing track has a great feel when put with Shannons vox it just seems to clash too much.

Still you’ve got 6 recommends so what do I know eh!!:o)
permalink   Scott Altham Thu, Dec 4, 2008 @ 1:01 PM
Hey.. Thanks for the input. If it sounds odd to you, then it could sound odd to others. I guess since the vocals are half the speed of the track, some parts don’t go.

I’ve been gone for a bit travelling, but am back and working on some new material… Will be checking out your latest mixes very shortly!