Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "Finding the way to your heart"

Finding the way to your heart
by ScOmBer
Recommends (3)
Sun, Jun 29, 2008 @ 7:44 PM
permalink   Sun, Jun 29, 2008 @ 8:05 PM
G@DD$%#*T - this is *awesome*. Congrats on mixing these elements into something that kicks a$$. I *love* what you did with the vox - and the trem/gate guitar is perfect. Really nice punch in the low mids of the drums. Whats up with the Shannon vox? Is there just the barest early reflection on them? Your skilled, so I assume that is a choice. Kudos!!!
Kaer Trouz
permalink   Sun, Jun 29, 2008 @ 8:55 PM
Hey I’ll take the percussion section- I never was a diva! This is cool.