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Reviews for "I.Wonder.Today"

by narva9
Recommends (8)
Tue, Sep 19, 2006 @ 3:43 AM
permalink   Sat, Sep 23, 2006 @ 3:07 AM
I don’t understand the bad ratings of this piece.
For a folk song it’s wonderful. And that’s what it is … right?
permalink   narva9 Sat, Sep 23, 2006 @ 5:22 PM
Hi BeeAge,

Thanks for the review. Uhmmm…a folk song…yeah…that’s it. Actually it was an acoustic exercise in three part harmony (which by default makes the song folk) …. though not particularly good one by the ratings. But hey you got to try new things…right?

Anyway, I think we may have to rethink this arrangement. We’d love any suggestions you might have.

Thanks again for your kind words.
permalink   BeeAge Sun, Sep 24, 2006 @ 12:42 AM
Not necessarily the three part harmony makes the sng folk. I think (maybe I heard it somewhere, I don’t remember): folk is where the message of a song is the most important part in it, not the harmony neither the personaity of the singer nor the rhythm nor anything else … the message of the song. And I think your song is a good example.
I was wondering where I’d be today :-).

For your rerecording you could play it a little slower so that it’s not so dangerous to the rhythm when some of you sing longer or shorter than the others.

Trios are very hard to mix perfectly. You always have some places where the starting points of the voices aren’t exectly where they were supposed to be, etc. … but that’s all there in a folk song. No problem. :-)

Still nice songwriting …
Forgot to say that over my complaining about other peoples ratings, sorry for that.
permalink   Sat, Sep 23, 2006 @ 8:09 AM
I agree with BeeAge. This deserves more than a 3. There are lots of possibilities with this, folk or otherwise. I’ll remix it.
permalink   narva9 Sat, Sep 23, 2006 @ 5:25 PM
Thank you Briareus for your kind words. We like the song but are coming to the conclusion that it will have to be rerecorded. If you have any suggestions on what may make it more useful to you let us know….we’d love your input.

permalink   Sat, Sep 23, 2006 @ 1:49 PM
Can we get this as a true pella without the instrumental backing? It sounds great but would be much more flexible as a straight vocal please pretty please??!!
permalink   narva9 Sat, Sep 23, 2006 @ 5:28 PM
Hi shagrugge,

Thanks for your review. All tracks (ie rhythm guitar, guitar solos, and harmony voices) were all uploaded as separate tracks. If you have any problems let me know and I’d be more than happy to send them to you.

FYI - we are thinking of rerecording the track to smooth out some of the harmony/technical problems that have been pointed out.

Thanks again.
permalink   Sun, Oct 1, 2006 @ 2:36 PM
I love this song..You get a high 5 from me. Yes there a few problems here and there but bottom line is that it’s a great song.
permalink   narva9 Sun, Oct 8, 2006 @ 10:21 PM
Thanks for reviewing our song. Just to let you know we recorded this track at a slower speed and with “hopefully” tighter vocal. Would love to hear what you think of the newer version.
Tomas PhUsIoN
permalink   Sun, Sep 24, 2006 @ 5:17 PM
Anybody who sits down and makes music with each other and can come up with nice piece of music are called artists. i use a pc coz i cant play an instrument to save my life so for me this is great. it was a pleasure to remix you all,
more please.
nice and laid back in a field of grass, with nothing but love peace and harmony for all,cant be bad.