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Reviews for "Clean Getaway"

Clean Getaway
by narva9
Recommends (8)
Sat, Jun 14, 2008 @ 12:31 PM
permalink   Sat, Jun 14, 2008 @ 9:44 PM
I think of all your many fine contributions here, this is my favorite.

Perhaps it’s because I’ve reached the age in which the chess game is well into the middle game, and the pawn storms which dissolve illusions and assail the kingside are reaching the point in which they confront the phalanx of one’s own fianchettoed bishop formation.
Perhaps it’s because I like the tag about how saving one’s life involves setting out to lose it.
Perhaps it’s the way your voice evokes the mood so well, even with th pleasing/curious gender bend implied but not required by the lyric.

You’ve consistently added nice things here at the mixter, and this is one of the best you’ve done. If I had the voice to sing it, or the melodic sense to properly arrange it, I would do so. But I’m left with only the ears to hear it and the words to tell you well done.
permalink   narva9 Sun, Jun 15, 2008 @ 7:23 PM
Thank you for your thoughtful words. I am attached to this song as it frames my hardwon beliefs that…too much time has been wasted wishing for things…that life should be lived to its fullest….that there is no room for regret.
