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Reviews for "Winter - hold me back"

Winter - hold me back
by musikpirat
Recommends (4)
Sun, Nov 19, 2023 @ 8:43 AM

Samples are used in:

permalink   Mon, Nov 20, 2023 @ 11:35 AM
That is one bubbly and energetic bass line! I wonder how it would sound run through the motions of cutoff and envelope ;)
Love that riser drone, something like that with a snare swell could build up one heck of drop :)

ps I definitely recommend a DAW with as many channels as possible. With sidechains, channel splits, and multiple VSTs, it’s easy to run out of room fast.
permalink   musikpirat Mon, Nov 20, 2023 @ 11:11 PM
Hey Apoxode,

once again, your feedback is very welcome and appreciated!
Quote: ApoxodeThat is one bubbly and energetic bass line! I wonder how it would sound run through the motions of cutoff and envelope ;)
Love that riser drone, something like that with a snare swell could build up one heck of drop :)

There was already some cutoff running. :) And the riser is uses with a snare swell for a minor drop quite at the beginning. :P I added some more cutting and resonance to make the song even more bubbeling and acidish. Reduced one of the snares a little bit, too.

Quote: Apoxode
ps I definitely recommend a DAW with as many channels as possible. With sidechains, channel splits, and multiple VSTs, it’s easy to run out of room fast.

Yeah. The more channels I do have, the more I need… I have to make double use of channels in this song already…

Last but not least I added the bass and the riser as separate tracks. If you wanna play with them… :)