Resilience Secret Mixter Playlist

Reviews for "To our own Convictions"

To our own Convictions
by jaspertine
Recommends (4)
Sat, Sep 1, 2007 @ 8:24 PM
permalink   Mon, Sep 3, 2007 @ 10:33 AM
well you chopped the vox and cellos for a really interesting intro but then they kind of disappear (?) and the track gets a whole lot less interesting - or maybe you just morphed them into something I don’t recognize? I love the first part, there just wasn’t pay off for me, sry.
permalink   jaspertine Mon, Sep 3, 2007 @ 5:07 PM
I could have left the vox running through the whole track, but it actually made for a rather boring structure, su I just stopped it in mid sentence..

The cello does morph somewhat, but a lot of the more drastic alterations just sounded silly, and wound up either buried or removed. So the cello disappearing like that was a coicidence, the vox disappeaing was intentional.

Also, I rather like the idea of motivs that come and go without making a return later in the piece.

I think you’ll find I’m actually kind of a jerk when it comes to denying the audience their payoff. This is something I’ve done habitually.

That being said, I have nothing against the conventional approach, it’s just something I don’t think much about when writing.

Thanks anyways constructive critisism always wlecome.
permalink   jaspertine Mon, Sep 3, 2007 @ 5:10 PM
and thanks everyone else for the kind words.
permalink   victor Wed, Sep 5, 2007 @ 6:53 PM
Quote: I think you’ll find I’m actually kind of a jerk when it comes to denying the audience their payoff. This is something I’ve done habitually.

If you’re just making music to please yourself and nobody else then why bother posting it to the WWW?

And I never said anything about ‘conventional’, that’s your incorrect interpretation of what I said. There’s plenty of unconventional and experimental music here that I’ve lauded to the skys. If anything your reply explains what I suspect was going on: you were so involved in avoiding convention and worried about being ‘boring’ that you let go of the emotional impact of the piece.
permalink   jaspertine Sun, Sep 16, 2007 @ 10:22 AM
Quote: fourstonesIf you’re just making music to please yourself and nobody else then why bother posting it to the WWW?

Well, observing the reviews, it seems that at least three people enjoyed my track. That’s good enough for me. Hell, it’s three more than I thought I’d get, though that sure didn’t stop me from posting it.

As for my “incorrect interpretation,” actually, I like that comment. You’re mostly right about that anyway. My remark about denying the audience their payoff comes from the same adversarial attitude. The word “payoff” in particular tends to get under my skin. If your use of the term was different than that of most people who throw it at me, then I must apologize for being needlessly snide in my reply.

Now, it doesn’t really bother me that you didn’t like the track, but I do resent the implication that I’m some kind of charlatan. I made no effort do avoid convention, I’m not nearly that self absorbed. I just made the track that I wanted to make, how I wanted to make it, regardless of whether or not it delivered a “payoff.”

I mean, I know I’m not exactly a trailblazer, I just want to express myself.
permalink   jaspertine Thu, Sep 20, 2007 @ 5:10 PM
Hey, if I kept replying to this, would the little purple box keep getting smaller? Does it ever got too thin to hold text?
permalink   jaspertine Mon, Oct 8, 2007 @ 12:58 PM
Just wondering.
permalink   jaspertine Mon, Oct 8, 2007 @ 12:58 PM
Sorry, I get distracted easily.
permalink   jaspertine Mon, Oct 8, 2007 @ 12:59 PM
Damn Television!
MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Sat, Sep 1, 2007 @ 8:56 PM
sounds great! beautiful driving backing mix with the sparse keys and synths and your beats are perfect for this. yes sir, i think you’ll fit in nicely around here.

i highly encourage you to delve into the acappellas archive and have at it.

this is a pretty impressive debut.

permalink   Sat, Sep 1, 2007 @ 9:00 PM
I really like it! thanks for using my
pell. I’m tempted to throw some dave gahn style vox on this…he he heh
permalink   Sun, Sep 2, 2007 @ 1:41 PM
I love the beginning…FPB vocals sound like a perfect fit. It’s ominous, sinister and quirky…the breaks and change ups are wonderful…love how you build up the track and then bring it back down to its basics.

And whooo hoo to the scratchy noise:)
