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Reviews for "May"

by Hans Atom
Recommends (4)
Mon, Jan 5, 2009 @ 1:17 PM
Play May

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permalink   Mon, Jan 5, 2009 @ 2:04 PM
I love the instrumentals here, especially those keyboard lines, but the drums were mixed just a tad high for me and the vocals a little too low - fix that and this is a gem!
permalink   Hans Atom Tue, Jan 6, 2009 @ 5:52 AM
Quote: DoKashiteruI love the instrumentals here, especially those keyboard lines, but the drums were mixed just a tad high for me and the vocals a little too low - fix that and this is a gem!

Thanks for the review and for liking the tunes. You are right in what your saying, the drums are too dominant. They are very hard anyway, maybe a soft seventies drumkit with a splash in the snare would come in handy anyway.

Thank you!
permalink   Mon, Jan 5, 2009 @ 6:58 PM
In the mechanized world, there is a constant battle between the integated circuitry of the soul and the hydraulic splendor of the body.
Theologians, Lego block assemblers and service technicians debate whether the duality is one of fact or of concept.

In this remix, the debate between the somewhat baroque keyboard line and the rather fat synth/percussion line is submitted to a neutral third party, a voice who is part scientist, part memoirist and part unaffected fuse-from-fire-hider. She pronounced it all good, and the sun rises and the sun sets and it’s the 8th day.

I’m quite partial to the May song, and here you’ve given it a setting which is a carnival ride of fun.
The “louder” dance elements are a bit too “up” in the mix to my ears, although I like the way you’ve given then a raucousness that keep them from being canned. The keyboard is charming, and should be a worthy sample for anyone who wants to remix a completely different downtempo or chill song from our work.

The mix on this piece did not 100 percent grab me, because the disparate elements don’t perfectly blend (the keyboard and the rhythm section don’t “feel” as if they blend naturally, to me), but the spirit of the piece captures me, and makes me want to lean into the light. A fun mix!
permalink   Hans Atom Tue, Jan 6, 2009 @ 6:09 AM
Dear Gurdonark,

thank you very much for that beautiful feuilleton.
I didnĀ“t even know that a hydraulic splendor of the body even existed!!! And I had to look up some words like “raucousness” in the dictinonnary.
But for my part - as a Lego block assembler- I am quite convinced to present you soon a new version of this song, which will solve by using the powertool of hegelian dialectics the mind-body problem for good.
And then all the disparate elements will blend!
For sure.
permalink   gurdonark Tue, Jan 6, 2009 @ 6:16 AM
I love Lego blocks. I’ll look forward to your new version!
permalink   Wed, Jan 14, 2009 @ 2:28 PM
Very nice melodies and synth lines!