
Reviews for "Parque Dava Sobel"

Parque Dava Sobel
by gurdonark
Recommends (4)
Fri, Nov 3, 2006 @ 7:07 AM
permalink   Fri, Nov 3, 2006 @ 7:37 AM
You have alot of good samples in there but they stick out too much to really feel like a part of the choon. Indeed, you have added quite light samples, but even light ones can really stick out. Birds for example can really add a sharp or tranquil feeling to a mix, but to create that you need timing and equalization. Uv got good raw material to create a chilled-out jungleish mix here, but some of your samples need to be reworked. The drums are a little too strong, tho i like them alot. They add a childish flavour to it as they sometimes stumble but always get back up again.
I like big parts of the mix, tho i cant really put my finger on what your trying to achieve with your sellection of samples. Truth? Natrual sound? If thats the case then u have you have done a good job. The raw sound of your samples add a crispy, natrual and very honest feeling to it.

Btw, which on is your bird sample? The first or the second?
permalink   Fri, Nov 3, 2006 @ 7:47 AM
hey gurd. nice track again..
the birds man, the birds….

the birds.
Clive Mollart
permalink   Fri, Nov 3, 2006 @ 9:24 AM
This is a typical Gurd collage of which he does so well. Keep up the good work and so well recorded. Excellent work !!.