
Reviews for "Drifting In And Out (tension-free mix)"

Drifting In And Out (tension-...
by duckett
Recommends (6)
Fri, May 30, 2008 @ 11:16 AM
MC Jack in the Box
permalink   Fri, May 30, 2008 @ 1:15 PM
nice panning seperation of the various tracks in the intro, and i like how you’ve got a beat going on but it’s so background and incidental, it makes me want to listen for it instead of overpower the other pad sweeps and waves lapping on the beach (good thing!). it’s actually funny you call this the tension-free mix since i actually feel a sort of tension between the elements and keep waiting for this to take off or change, but instead it just drifts in and out. :) so while it’s definitely relaxing in an ambient fashion, it’s definitely got an undercurrent of tension from within.
permalink   duckett Fri, May 30, 2008 @ 2:30 PM
Thanks! Hmm, I guess there is a sort of tension that way; I guess it’s a sort of zen-like approach, in that it just is, rather than the usual beginning/middle/end (not to get all high-falutin’ and pretentious).
Maybe it was just my having listened to it repeatedly while mixing, that erased any perception of tension in the mix, I don’t know! Glad you liked it, anyway ;-)
permalink   Fri, May 30, 2008 @ 10:38 PM
I love this. :-)

permalink   duckett Fri, May 30, 2008 @ 11:12 PM
Thanks, glad it works for you! That reminds me… there’s a certain pella of yours that teru has done some magnificent work on, that’s been sitting in remix-limbo, potentially due to my lack of focus. Keep on writing, singing, and reviewing! ;-)