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Reviews for "Let's Stop The War (The People's Mix)"

Let's Stop The War (The Peopl...
by commmorancy
Recommends (7)
Sun, Aug 1, 2010 @ 10:49 PM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Mon, Aug 2, 2010 @ 9:58 AM
hey there. cool mix. are those brad’s drum and guitar samples? i like how you moved some of the vocals and other parts around from his original mix.
permalink   commmorancy Mon, Aug 2, 2010 @ 2:06 PM
Quote: snowflakehey there. cool mix. are those brad’s drum and guitar samples? i like how you moved some of the vocals and other parts around from his original mix.

Yes, everything is from his original files including the guitar and drums. I added nothing new. I used only the originals. This is truly a ‘remix’. ;)

That said, I’ve remastered some of the original samples using Ozone 4. For example, the drums and vocals are now ‘wet’ using effects and Ozone 4.

In my mix, I tried to simplify the mix to give it a kind of ‘retro’ sound. In places, it reminds me of 70s ZZTop and in others, Lenny Kravitz. I also moved the electric guitar riffs around and moved that ‘Hey’ vocal.

I also placed an overall Ozone remastering on the entire track to polish it (hence the much higher volume).

I can package up an acd-zip file if you have Acid Music. You can see what changes I made. Of course, if you don’t have Ozone 4, the project either might not open or it’ll complain about the VST not existing. I’m not sure what Acid will do if the VST doesn’t exist. Note that this is an Acid Music Studio 8 project (won’t open in 7).

Thanks for the comment and questions.
permalink   Snowflake Mon, Aug 2, 2010 @ 2:53 PM
thanks for the detailed response. i truly appreciate it. i don’t have Acid Music so am uncertain if the file would be usable. i do appreciate the offer and will let you know if i get the software.

permalink   Mon, Dec 27, 2010 @ 3:50 PM
I’m listening to it and I enjoy :)