
Reviews for "ITS TIME chandu"

ITS TIME chandu
by Chandan Boruah
Recommends (2)
Mon, Dec 8, 2008 @ 9:07 AM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Mon, Dec 8, 2008 @ 6:14 PM
I liked, It has a nice power that goes well with the vocals.
I would suggest to things, make the mix a little more interesting adding some movement with arranges, little variations, etc. If you want to use guitars and only have that “slayer” sound, use a little room reverb and cabinets if your plugins has it, a guitar never sound that “sterile”.
Scott Altham
permalink   Tue, Dec 9, 2008 @ 8:56 AM
… What DURDEN said.

I do like the phatness of this mix though. Has a real intrusive and dark edge to it.