
Reviews for "I Miss You (Radio Edit)"

I Miss You (Radio Edit)
by Clarence Simpson
Recommends (19)
Tue, Mar 1, 2011 @ 5:45 PM
The Juke Joint
permalink   Tue, Mar 1, 2011 @ 6:01 PM
OK, I did include some constructive criticism, but I really like this, so don’t think I mean this is anything less than thoroughly enjoyable. :)

This builds up really, really well. In all but the heaviest parts it sounds Beatlesque, but then lets go with the crunch and sweep picking at its heaviest. I like the contrast between pretty and controlled and the breakaway moments. (Although to my tastes, perhaps it got a bit too out of control, given the polish on the calmer points, but that is just my tastes.)

And I’m glad it ended on sweetness and piano. I think that was the right note to exit on… it tends to work very well with the way snowflake structures her vocals.
permalink   Admiral Bob Tue, Mar 1, 2011 @ 6:01 PM
Crap. Did that with the wrong account. :(
permalink   Clarence Simpson Wed, Mar 2, 2011 @ 8:35 AM
Yeah, the solo is definitely the part I hesitated the most on.

For a little while I was trying to make the whole song grungier and heavier, but the vocals were a little too sweet for across-the-board grunge to feel right. But I decided to leave the solo in as a lead-in to the heaviest part of the vocals.

Maybe you can make the not-quite-so-hardcore mix with a different solo. :)

Anyway, thanks for the input. We’ll see what others think.
permalink   Tue, Mar 1, 2011 @ 10:04 PM
wow. i can feel the time and effort you put into this. very well structured song, voicings, arrangement. love the verses and the crunchy chorus (i need to sing a new bvox for you on that, with a lot more anger and grunge!). i think my vox may be mixed 1 or 2 db too loud. but, i’m blasting this thing in my big Aux right now.

did you play that guitar solo? that is rockin dude. you’ve bent my mind. beautiful ending. thanks so much for remixing me!

stems please :)
permalink   Clarence Simpson Wed, Mar 2, 2011 @ 7:25 AM
Thanks! And yes, that sloppy solo was me. :P

You know, I usually end up finishing a mix late at night which means I’m mixing through headphones… and then I’m usually too excited to wait until the next day to mix using good speakers.

Now that I’ve heard it through good speakers I agree on your points. I was fighting with the instruments to make sure that the vox didn’t get drowned out in the chorus. I think my solution over-compressed your vocals and they ended up too loud and really lost a lot of their character.

So, I just remastered it, eased up on the vocal compression, re-EQ’ed the instruments to make more room for the vocals, and a few other tweaks. I think it’s a much better mix now. Take another listen.

I’m also exporting stems as we speak so they should be up shortly.
Abstract Audio
permalink   Wed, Mar 2, 2011 @ 2:37 AM
Sounds great to me, I leave the structure and sound choise to other people who understand that a lot better. But as a whole it sounds pretty darn good.

I do have to agree with snowflake on the vocals it’s now mixed in near clipping.

I do love to hear an extra vocal with a bit more grudge from snowflake :)
permalink   Clarence Simpson Wed, Mar 2, 2011 @ 7:37 AM
Thanks for the feedback. After listening again through good speakers I agree with you and snowflake.

I just remastered and posted a new version that I think sounds much better.
permalink   Abstract Audio Wed, Mar 2, 2011 @ 11:17 AM
It definitly does
Kara Square
permalink   Wed, Mar 2, 2011 @ 11:44 AM
I think this is a stellar mix. I’m glad you kept the guitar… it completely rocks. The contrast adds interest and demands attention. I would love to hear snowflake sing a grungy backup, but another option might be effects on the current vocal tracks. Her vocals sound fabulous and clear, of course, but maybe an effect of some sort might add something… Just some thoughts…
permalink   Sat, Feb 25, 2012 @ 6:19 PM
great powerful arrangement! it works very well with this pella.

The guitars are perfect