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Reviews for "ANOTHER LIE-2haze"

by aurorahaze
Recommends (5)
Wed, Mar 25, 2009 @ 4:22 PM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Thu, Mar 26, 2009 @ 7:44 PM
I liked the gentle pop feel of this one. The pitch-shifted vocals worked well, and the light percussion and the little cascading bell-like sound worked very well. I like the way that you spaced the two vocals naturally so that they had that call-and-effect response. A few places, the backing melody you added did not seem to line up as well for me pitch-wise with the two vocal tracks as it did in other places.
Although the creation of a pitch-shifted “second vocalist” is not a new idea, you pull it off with aplomb. I do recommend the original, which is a very nice song indeed. I enjoyed your mix.
permalink   aurorahaze Thu, Mar 26, 2009 @ 8:26 PM
Thanks for your comment,and yes you are correct,upon listening to it again i felt the sound too busy and muddy.
I have cut out some of the harmony and balanced the vocals better in a second mix and when i find the original i will for sure listen to it.
Knowing the quality of the original work might have put me off even trying.
All the remixes i have listened to are just so good.. thanks again
permalink   Sat, Oct 31, 2009 @ 9:17 PM
Nice Mix!…its strange that Trifonic did not recommend this..and your words of this track not being perfect…tell me whats perfect? my mind this is a nice piece thats all that matters.
I say to you If you like it its perfect…in the end thats all that matters. Bravo! Downloaded!