Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "Bars (Forensic) Yimair Remix"

Bars (Forensic) Yimair Remix
by YimAir
Recommends (12)
Fri, Nov 28, 2008 @ 5:57 AM
This upload might be Not Safe For Work

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permalink   Fri, Nov 28, 2008 @ 7:11 AM
I really like the way you chopped up Kaer Trouz’s vocals - this is a really, really well-produced track. It goes on for a little bit too long without some sort of variation, I think, but that’s the only thing I’d change about the structure of the song. Very nice!
permalink   Fri, Nov 28, 2008 @ 3:10 PM
Like DK said, it would’ve been nice to have things broken down a bit here and there, but this has got some real nice wiggly bounce to it, and yes, the way KT’s vox was used was very slick. Hotness.
Clarance Boddyker
permalink   Mon, Dec 1, 2008 @ 1:39 PM

I really dig how you chopped Kaer’s vocals, you grafted a perfect sampled hook, you should post the instrumentals with the hook intact. More producers should craft songs with sampled CCM hooks like this, fleshed out ideas, it would be easier for an MC to just spit 2 or 3 verses and some ad libs, especially with a Godzilla chorus like this.

Incredible work, yes, some variation, transition bars might have helped, but small criticism, this is a monster of a track, I’m bout ready to get pitchforks and an angry mob.
permalink   YimAir Sun, Dec 7, 2008 @ 10:15 PM
Thanks Much everyone.

CB: I plan on remixing some of your stuff soon. Hope you like it.
Quote: Clarance BoddykerMONSTER! EPIC!!

I really dig how you chopped Kaer’s vocals, you grafted a perfect sampled hook, you should post the instrumentals with the hook intact. More producers should craft songs with sampled CCM hooks like this, fleshed out ideas, it would be easier for an MC to just spit 2 or 3 verses and some ad libs, especially with a Godzilla chorus like this.

Incredible work, yes, some variation, transition bars might have helped, but small criticism, this is a monster of a track, I’m bout ready to get pitchforks and an angry mob.
Scott Altham
permalink   Thu, Dec 4, 2008 @ 2:28 PM
Hell yeah, this is bouncy. Was taping my foot till the end. The only issue i see (and its nothing to do with your track) is that you could do with upping the encoding rate on the mp3. Sounds like less than 128kbps (Im hearing the ‘window washing’ frequency snips throughout.. Try it at 196kbps).

Nice mix though
Kaer Trouz
permalink   Sun, Dec 7, 2008 @ 10:19 AM
How did you make me sound like that? I like the way I sound here much better than my regular voice. It’s a great track, I like the big old bad drum in the back too, and FORENSIC sounds great.