Imagination Rising Remix Event

Reviews for "Apathy hides Fragility"

Apathy hides Fragility
by Synaptic_Decay
Recommends (6)
Thu, Dec 18, 2008 @ 5:43 PM
permalink   Thu, Dec 18, 2008 @ 6:34 PM
The word “cinematic” gets thrown around all too often in remix circles. We say it when we mean “this is richly produced”, we say it when we mean “this is evocative”, and we say it when we mean “sounds like movie music”.

Yet I think that one of the most marquee-worthy ideas about music is that we make our own mental movies. I am not among those who imagine we control reality itself by thought alone—but it’s undeniable that we can soundtrack what we see and hear.

Here you’ve created dreamy trip hop fade-in/fade-out. It resonates with me—it’s a place and a setting. The vocals don’t work in this setting, not so much because of the mixing as because you’ve created such a rich image that it feels as if someone else’s movie is coming on when we’re just enjoying the finest air-popped popcorn of your art film here.

I suggest that you’d have been better served with a change of pace instrumental line—but that if working with the vocal was the entire goal, you might have snipped in parts of the chorus as a filigree of atmosphere—fog, if you will, in the pea soup of your film. A fine mix—but for me, it’s the rise of the smoke from the candy cigarette that matters, and not the surgeon general’s warning of the vocals.
permalink   Fri, Dec 19, 2008 @ 4:11 AM
the music & production (cuts in & out, overlaps, timbre & e.q.) are all excellent & vaguely reminiscent of the jan hammer/jaco pastorius ‘miami vice’ era ambient stuff. with so much reverb & delay on the BT, the vocal can become lost in the ripples and i think the vocal here is good enough to bring it more forward in the mix & reduce the effects so that the words are more easily understood. not a criticism, just a suggestion. the track is beautiful.
permalink   Sun, Dec 21, 2008 @ 3:35 PM
after a lot of word , shortly this is good.
Scott Altham
permalink   Mon, Dec 22, 2008 @ 11:35 AM
From a web design perspective, too much text on a page is not a good thing. So i’ll keep it short. You’ve composed a great atmospheric canvas on which you’ve painted rhythmic blips and zaps. The ‘verbed guitar works very well too. For me, it lacks a little structure but overall, I like