RSVP for Jul 28 Livestream

Reviews for "Escape from Mars'80"

Escape from Mars'80
by SergioDag
Recommends (6)
Tue, Jan 29, 2019 @ 4:34 AM

Uses samples from:

permalink   Tue, Jan 29, 2019 @ 12:16 PM
Wow! This is some incredible synth work — many textures from metallic to liquid. And then at 2:13, oh … that roaring wave, very nice! Great find with this acappella — your take is fresh.

Would you be willing to share the stems of your backing track?

permalink   SergioDag Wed, Jan 30, 2019 @ 2:53 AM
Thank you so much! In just an amateur drummer discovering the wonder of digital music. I use FL studio since the last month to find the best way to play alone. I fall in love with Synth! I promise Will put the stams on, today, yesterday I was in a hurry. Thank youuuu
permalink   Apoxode Wed, Jan 30, 2019 @ 6:53 PM
Thank you for uploading the stems — they sound great!

permalink   Wed, Jan 30, 2019 @ 3:41 AM
Two synth loops and a vocal that sounds like it’s in the next room and this gets an ed pick? That just ain’t right.
permalink   SergioDag Wed, Jan 30, 2019 @ 3:55 AM
Sorry, I’m not a Pro, I felt this track sounds good and I share. I know the song is so simple, I will improve myself sharing very complex tracks…
permalink   Speck Wed, Jan 30, 2019 @ 6:16 AM
I meant no offense to you. I hear great potential in the mix and I would have written an encouraging review had it not been awarded a ‘best of’. But that’s not on you. I should have written to Mana Junkie to ask him if he really feels this is the best we (ccMixter) have to offer. That’s what ed picks are supposed to be.

And there’s nothing wrong with simple.
permalink   SergioDag Wed, Jan 30, 2019 @ 6:38 AM
Ok, I understand, maybe Editor want to reward just the idea of the song… You’re right on your
reasoning. Thanks to you all for the
support and encouragement to improve myself.
Mana Junkie
permalink   Wed, Jan 30, 2019 @ 10:33 AM
I most apologize, I was listening from my iPhone this morning and I meant to review it and see that I hit the editorial review button. I do enjoy it, and I like it though. ;)