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Reviews for "Marcos Theme"

Marcos Theme
by Loveshadow
Recommends (32)
Tue, Nov 17, 2015 @ 1:24 PM

Uses samples from:

Samples are used in:

permalink   Tue, Nov 17, 2015 @ 2:21 PM
you’ve added wonderful orchestration around Marco’s lovely piano melody. i don’t hear anything wrong with the cello section whatsoever. :) (did you create that modulation?) definitely belongs in a film!

P.S. Thanks for doing 2 extra mixes to make sure no one was left behind this Secret Mixter! You Rock!
permalink   Loveshadow Tue, Nov 17, 2015 @ 2:36 PM
There are five tracks of orchestration and as always with VSTs ( well, the ones I have ) they don’t change ect if you change style i.e attack as a real player can. So some tracks just have longer notes to cover the joins. Positioning is never right based on the VSTs choice of where a section should be in real life so I am always panning stuff around until it sounds like they might all be sitting in a certain place. There’s nothing actually wrong with the cellos they just don’t fully resolve to the major chord I am making with the piano sample being in a minor, that’s all. :-)
permalink   Snowflake Tue, Nov 17, 2015 @ 5:51 PM
It sounds perfect to me. Very cool how you make the VST act like a person in a studio.
permalink   Tue, Nov 17, 2015 @ 4:13 PM
You are a very good soul indeed. Of course we’re the lucky ones because you have to share your work :-).

Thanks for this. I just bought myself a new writing surface to put on my desk instead of the old calendar desk blotter that was always a month behind. I was hoping to write something on it tonight. This might make a nice backing :-). Beautifully done. Your time listening to Lasswell is paying off big time :-).
Kara Square
permalink   Thu, Nov 19, 2015 @ 6:56 PM
Beautiful. Emotional. Perfect for a dramatic film… I can see someone staring out the window with a contemplative look… And yeah, lots of gratitude to you for picking up the extra mixes. You, good sir, are a wizard.
Jay Lang
permalink   Mon, Nov 30, 2015 @ 2:11 PM